Unable to flash SpeedyBeeF405 to persistent memory

Once you is in the DFU mode it will bypass any firmware installed.
The _BL you can update using mission planner/qground once the bootloader is present.

That makes no sense. All of the flash methods perform a full chip erase and rewrite, Cube programmer probably being the most thorough.

This is either user error or perhaps a defective chip that eventually sorted itself out after multiple write attempts.

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when you used cube programmer what address did you flash it to? ardupilot needs to be set to 0x08000000, if its not set to that then it wont be able to boot.

There is something not working correctly could be a chip issue,computer issue but I don’t think a user issue overall, Flashing in MP is problematic in my case will hang and crash MP unless I use the Bootloader option. One workaround is using QGC to flash.

I also think 4.4.4 sould work better now could take a few try’s.