Unable to build copter if I am building bootloader followed by copter

Hi Community,

Whenever I try to build copter after building bootloader it fails with error ''fatal error: include/mavlink/v2.0/ardupilotmega/version.h: No such file or directory".

Steps I have followed,

Step 1 : Cloned ardupilot repository from ‘master’ branch.

Step 2 : Did submodule update using command,
git submodule update --init --recursive

Step 3 : Configured for CubeOrangePlus using command,
./waf configure --board CubeOrangePlus

Step 4 : ./Tools/scripts/build_bootloaders.py CubeOrangePlus

Step 5 : ./waf bootloader

With Step 4 and 5, bootloader build was successful without any errors.

Step 6 : Built copter using,
./waf copter
It fails here with error, ''fatal error: include/mavlink/v2.0/ardupilotmega/version.h: No such file or directory".
I have also attached image of the error.

But when I directly build copter initially using ./waf copter, without building bootloader I do not face any issues.

Are you really sure that this step was successful?

Also, you can try to checkout to a stable tag version instead of master.