TX and RX bound but no movement in servo output tab

I am using Matek F405 WTE with a serial elrs rx connected to Uart 2 with TX<>RX and RX<>TX. I have followed expresslrs and matek guide to setting up ardupilot and the transmittter and receiver are bound (there is a solid green led on serial rx) but for some reason mission planner says “Prearm:Waiting for RC” and the green bars in the servo output tab don’t move. I have tried everything i can think of but still haven’t had any luck. Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you.

UPDATE: issue solved. i changed the rc_protocol from 512 (crsf) to 1 (All) and made sure that SerialX_protocol and SerialX_option were all set to default values except serial6_protocol because thats my RC IN. Here is a useful page i found that helped me solve this issue. Hopefully this helps others and even me again in the future if i have this issue again.

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