TwinCopter // Controlling two servos in regulation loop

Hi there,

I am building a TwinCopter on a 3.1 APM Mini using the latest ArduCopter available for that board (2.3.4).
So far I have motor 1 and 2 on channel 1 and 2, and servos for tilting the motors on channel 3 and 4.

I am facing issues which seem linked to the way I’m connected all that. When the ESC beeps as they are turned on, the servos also move in rythm (kind of) with the sound emitted. It seems they catch on electrical noise. I also can see a lot of noise/parasites when activating the motors and moving the servos, they seem to be disturbed by something but I cannot tell what.

So, should I keep the connection like this? or should I move both servo on the auxiliary channels side which seem to be more dedicated to that servo usage? if yes, how can I output servo values in these aux channels? I haven’t managed to figure that out so far … I wrote a class, AP_MotorsTwin which is dedicated to outputing values to the servos and motors in the r"egular port" for now and I’d like to find a way to keep on using that class to output the servos values wherever they are connected.

Thanks in advance for you time people !