Technically speaking there is no mention of any autopilot in my tutorial. But, as ROS(Robot Operating System) becomes more and more popular, I kinda felt like it was time to create a Tutorial for beginner that was actually fun to do (and watch, I hope).
So I decided to go for a real example. I had my Donkey Car ( parked somewhere (too many things to do) and I thought that would have been a perfect robot to start with.
This video covers (it's long, but I wrote down the time marks in the description on YouTube):
setting up a Raspberry Pi 3 with an SD card image from Ubiquity Robotics, with ROS Kinetic installed.Â
installing ROS on Ubuntu
ROS master, ROS_MASTER_URI and ROS running on multiple platforms
Packages installation and creation
topics and messages
writing a script (publisher and subscriber) in Python
lots of fun outdoor
You are all welcome to contribute with your own packages!
Ardupilot is going to be included. We just need to cover the basics first. I thought that was easier to follow on a real example rather than on a gazebo simulation
Yes it is a good start
It’s not easy to find an interesting project to dive into ROS, the donkey car is much more interesting than the turtles.
Btw the image for the RPI (ubiquity robotics) is the same as the , so the kernel can process stereoscopic camera on the & pointcloud images (you need to run on a Pi Compute Module)…so bear in mind for future projects
I was thinking to Lychee too. They might be interested to send a free sample either. I will ask.
I thought that applying ROS to a real robot, as simple as a “snap-a-pi-on-a-car” could have been more entertaining (for me too) than using Gazebo. Plus there is the matter of distributing ROS on multiple platform that might be very tricky.
Here I call ROS experts to contribute to the series. If you want to suggest a topic (funny, a /topic…) or a video or a package you have developed, do let me know. You will be mentioned in the video. I love collaboration!
Definitively revisit Aruco Code as a position estimator under ROS and remap the pose as Vision Position on Mavros. That can run on a PI and it can be used to control a quadcopter.
This is oubviously more advanced stuff and prerequisites are RQT , RVIZ and SITL (or Gazeboo). As you might say: step by step,thi iis a long journey, lets enjoy
Hi Tiziano, you are awesome… I like your youtube tutorial. But it is better if you provide
Q &A and your email. It seems this kind of tutorial need special forum. My best regards.