Tuning the Harmonic Notch

I would be up for some testing on my 550 quad Andy. Can you compile for PixRacer?

Iā€™ll try itā€¦ I have that one copter I was messing w/ around the first of the year w/ some noise that moved around 80-110hz, and then the usual motor noise around 250hz. Not a big copter, but maybe itā€™ll help.

No-one has tested this code in-flight yet - so unless your frame can withstand a bit of a knock I wouldnā€™t recommend it. That said I donā€™t expect any problems - but theory is just that.

I would prefer we try on something a lot smaller until we have at least one in-air proof point!

Yes sounds ideal - can do a build if that would help.

It wouldā€¦ Iā€™m getting ready to leave town and am still inexperienced w/ compiling, so that would save me some time. Kakute mini.
I might be able to test it before I go. Otherwise Iā€™m bringing a couple copters with me, so can test it in Colorado in a few days :).

OK. I could try it on a 5" that also has a PixRacer but that craft is flying like itā€™s on rails thanks to the H-notch itā€™s running now :grinning:

So that would also be a good test - the double-notch takes the same tuning parameters, it just has an additional step to enable it - and the output should be as good if not better.

I could rebase on 4.0.3, but itā€™s easiest to do a build on master - not sure what people are using.

Doesnā€™t matter to me. Iā€™m using 4.*, but will run masterā€¦ this thing was built for testing.

nice, i leave testing to u guys for now, just upgraded to copter 4.0.2. She fly really nice, big list of parameters to go thru so iĀ“m gonna sit this one :slight_smile:
I have not lookĀ“d the release notes for 4.0.2ā€¦but autotune safe again,right ?
Keep on the good work andy.

Thanks Andy. 18F here today so maybe tomorrow!

To enable the magic behaviour you need INS_HNTCH_OPTS = 1

@andyp1per if you have a branch with both dynamic FFT (as ā€œsmall-copter-4.0ā€ that I am using now) and double notch I can build myself and test with my 3 inch and 5 inch copters.

I can do a branch but it will be master only - master has diverged too much from 4.0 to support the FFT stuff on 4.0 anymore.

If you think that such test (dynamic FFT + double notch) could be useful I will be glad to test it. Otherwise i will wait till these PR will be merged.

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Can test on a devFrame 300 w/6in props and a 450 w/ 9in. Both running pixracer w/ esc telem and dynamic notch. But the weather here is a bit cold so might take a few days.

My FFT change is merged, so it probably makes sense for me to rebase on that and do more builds for people.
Very wet and stormy here (again) so no flying for me.

Ok I have updated the KakuteF7Mini and Pixracer builds.


OK, Iā€™ll wait for that (PixRacer).