I have tuned the unit 2 times before, once was 2019 and fly fine, but since I updated to the new firmware, the original tuning is gone,
the wiki is great place to start the tuning, but in my case, its 3 blades bird with Asymmetrical profile need more info to get it done right…
giving example; the Pitch -0+ is not detailed in the wiki, its kinda hard to find the right Asymmetrical setting…
I am going back and forth to the wiki and also searching all over the Tradheli comments and recommendations…
the other issue I and other people may facing, is understanding each parameters and related to others,
now the big challenge to me and I am sure many in the area; how to read the Vibrations and the frequency that make direct impacts upon the IMU and causing crashes or unstable flights…
I suggest if someone like Brother Bill or Brother Ferrosan make educational videos in serios showing tradheli & how to read these graphics and how to deal with them…
this will be great help to every single pilot here…
those people have a lot of knowledge and we all depend on their recommendations…
and they are a hug benefit to this form,
I will pay for online lessons if they make it for sale too!
There are videos on most of the set up procedure. I think I have videos on mounting and connecting flight controller, leveling and swashplate, set up, and the collective and stabilize curve set up. Truthfully, I don’t have any knowledge on collective set up for an asymmetric rotor blade. There are several videos on auto tuning to walk users through the process. Probably the big items that don’t have a video is the RSC set up and the notch filter set up.
This sounds like a good idea but it is difficult to address everyone’s unique setup. I do videos to help users understand the process.
Ok. Well I will post on this forum for inputs as to what subjects that users think they would benefit from for the Tradheli setup or areas where they want more detail.
normally the zero lift angle of incidence is between -0.7 and -1.2 degs for asymm model rotor blades. If you know exactly what airfoil your rotor blade has you can easily estimate the correct angle here . (look at Cl-alpha graphs).
Regarding your setup, these values you posted seem reasonable for a start
Also, I would leave filters for target and error (FLTT/FLTE) at 20 Hz (default value if I recall correctly). We can optimize later, if needed, after we know vibe levels of your machine.
Finally, find some way of measuring your headspeed, it is important for the notch filter setup.
last night I retuned these values based on the wiki recommendation, I fallowed the WIKI suggestion and now my parameters based on the standard Wiki
will try to hover and post the result soon
set max and min collective ( H_COL_MAX and H_COL_MIN) parameters to have a measured +10 /-5 degs of incidence;
set H_COL_ANG_MAX and H_COL_ANG_MIN to +10 and -5 respectively;
set H_COL_LAND_MIN to -3;
set H_COL_ZERO_THRST to -1;
then perform a final check using the H_SV_MAN parameter:
set to 2 → collective should move all the way up and you should read 10 deg on the pitch gauge,
set to 3 → collective should move down to zero-thrust position and you should read -1 deg on the pitch gauge;
set to 4 → collective should move all the way down and you should read -5 deg on the pitch gauge.
While performing this task be aware that tail rotor servo will move as well, so if you haven’t tuned it yet better remove the servo arm to prevent any binding on the control.
Finally, in stabilize mode, move the collective stick to middle position and read the pitch incidence of the rotor blade.
You should aim at having about 4 degs of incidence (depends on your aircraft weight and rotor rpm): you can adjust this using IM_STB_COL_2 and IM_STB_COL_3.
Remember to use always the same reference rotor blade while performing these tasks, mark it !
Thank you for the suggestion!
I fallowed your parameters values and I Had my very first Hover, its only 3 seconds each
the bird was not stable, its drifted badly to the left, its also very touchy, I was like trying to control Trex 250 without 3 axes gyro…
I think I have to much rotor speed too, I can tell, or its maybe because its 3 blades heli
I do Have an old school (Micro Tacho turnigy ), I may use it to check the speed during the day light)
please if you can take a peek to my Log and see what things it maybe missing…
What RPM do you have your ESC governor set for? I’m calculating about 1400 RPM based on the 1/revolution oscillation in the roll rate. The 2/ rev is pretty strong as well. Looks like you have the INS harmonic notches enabled but the center frequency is too high (80 hz). Plus you’ll only need one of them. Let me know what you set ESC to and we can go from there
There is no RPM stetting in the hobbywing ESC programmer box, I only have 100% Throttle flat line in my radio, I can lower the Throttle to 80% but that will cause some ( maybe) heat issue…
I think at 80% throttle will get 1000 RPM
I also changed the bellow
INS_GYRO_FILTER 10 It was 45
I think I got it! I set H_RSC_SETPOINT 80
I made my second hover today, it was still drifting to the left and Back,
I may lower the ACT_HOVER _RLL_TRIM to < 200
is there ACT_HOVER_PITCH_TRIM ? I can’t find it!
I looked at the PDes, RDes and YDes I think they are off, I am not pro at reading these graphics yet…
the Bird is still touchy but is better than before after lowering ATC_ACCEL_P_MAX and ATC_ACCEL_R_MAX both 60000
ATC_INPUT_TC 0.2 it was 0.15 I may go with 0.25 and see if its still feel touchy
I attached the Log for today, Please if you have a min to take a quick look at the VIB, frequency etc…
when I can be able to Auto tune PID ? and how to activate this future?
Why are you making these changes? They are very haphazard. Revert all of these changes except the ATC_INPUT_TC. This is the parameter that will change the responsiveness. I wouldn’t go too much past 0.25. Before you make any other changes, we have to take care of the vibrations and tune the aircraft. I will write more tonight.
Here is what I suggest for your Notch filters.
First set INS_GYRO_FILTER to 20
disable Notch 2
These are the settings for Notch 1
After you make these changes, be sure to cycle power to the controller. Then conduct a hover flight and post the log. After you adjust the trim, then we can start the tuning. I looked at the I term for pitch and roll and it is pretty low. So I don’t think there is a problem with the swashplate setup. I think you just need to adjust the AHRS_TRIM and ATC_HOVR_TRM. As long as the aircraft doesn’t drift more than 1 m/s then the trim is probably good enough to start tuning.
Well the changes looked pretty random and I gave you those values back in 2019. I have learned a lot since then regarding tuning. You can leave
At the values you currently have. These won’t affect the pitch, roll and yaw tuning.
Thank you very Much Bill,
I will test fly and post the log if there is any further adjustment may needed.
I burned my 14SG radio yesterday due to Voltage errors, the little resettable GF300 16V 3A become super hot and no power at all!
I will have to program my new TX16S using my new BETAFPV ELRS 2.4GHz Micro TX Module and BETAFPV 2.4GHz/915MHz/868MHz For 14CH
ordered it yesterday and once its here I will install it in my Heli ang go fly!
I have finished the programming of the new TX16s radio with the external ELRS 2.4Ghz and the EP1 (little) receiver, I had to use the Telemetry1, and change some of the Parameters to make it work!
this is a first time I am trusting cheap product! after my Frsky RX and Futaba radio.
my question;
I need to secure the Helicopter in case if I lost the connection…
it happened to me once yesterday while in ground, the connection was lost and I had to switch Off /On the radio to get it back…
if that was while the bird flying… guess what? a disaster can happen.
I would love to use fail-safe future to have the Helicopter land itself safe if connection lost…
Please if you know how to do this let me know.
I appreciate it
the other problem was when I flip the CH8 switch in radio, the helicopter spin without arming!!
I can still arm by pushing the Rud to right, but it dose not matter, once I flip the CH 8 switch the heli spin!
do I need to setup a Hold switch?
I have set the ch;
CH 1 Ail
CH2 Elev
CH4 Rud
CH8 Thr Activation two way switch, ON; 100% Th and Off: 0% Throttle
CH7 keys 1-6 are flights modes
How did this exactly happen? was a dodgy wire or something else? Do not fly or even start up before you debug this. Also, do not trust automatic/failsafe RTL as the heli is not yet tuned properly.
Only use receivers/trasmitters that are rock solid in terms of range and quality. It’s not a toy quad, as you know these machines can kill. Please stay on safe side, even a Futaba with just SBUS is safer than that ELRS stuff.