Tree foilage covering map area for lawnmower path planning

Not sure if Im in the correct space. Appologies.

Ive finished an Ardurover LawnMower build.

Mission Planner Map for my address is covered by huge trees. So unable to see my lawn area to program pathways for lawnmower.

Is there a way to manually push lawn mower and record pathway for property?


The simplest way to do this is to set RCx_OPTION 7 (SaveWaypoint) and toggle that switch from time to time along a manually driven path to save a waypoint each time the switch goes high.

If you have a scripting capable autopilot, I wrote a Lua script specifically for tracing perimeters to mow, but it requires a little setup and know-how.

You’ll need a spare 3-position switch to make full use of the script.

Set RCx_OPTION to 300, where x is the channel of your 3-position switch.

Load the script linked below per Lua Scripts — Rover documentation (

ardupilot/libraries/AP_Scripting/examples/rover-SaveTurns.lua at master · ArduPilot/ardupilot (

Once the script is running properly, move the switch to the middle position to begin saving waypoints along the path you drive in manual, acro, or steering mode.

To clear all waypoints, move the switch to the high position.

Large trees and GPS accuracy sounds a bit tricky. Yuri’s SaveWaypoint sounds perfect.

Are you using high precision RTK Gps ? I do a walk with a GPS, save the track, then turn it into a polygon in Google Earth Pro (free). This is then used to generate the waypoints in mission planner.

I use a similar workflow (and even helped develop some of the features that @kiwiPaul is using).

The feedback request in this video was received well, and everything demo’d was incorporated into Mission Planner some time ago.

By the way, it’s almost never a good idea to just point and click on a Google map unless you have little need for precision. Between slight image imprecision, shadows, and weird parallax/projection effects with tall objects, a visually clicked waypoint on the map can be several feet from expectation.

Using OrangeCube and RTK Base.

Most likely the issue is my lack of understanding how to map a pathway for mower to follow.

The only examples I have seen are perfect clear arial views of huge fields with no trees… so its easy to see where to map.

Since I live in the socialist republic of worsington state. Your not allow to look at a tree crosseyed without a permit. So I cant see the ground/grass I need to mow to even start mapping a pathway.

Furthermore, due to the nature of Goggle maps, being in a major city the last image update was 567 years ago. All that foilage cover has been gone for 3 years… of course no current map view update.

Unfortunately I deal with neighbors that are illegal squatters that dont belong surround my property. The one thing they have learned is how to complain to city about unmowed grass or dead grass that makes the neighborhood look bad.

If I can figure out how to map out a pathway that I cant see in map view then I will run my lawnmower everyday 3 times a day starting at midnight through 6am. My lawn I have replanted with Poa which will take over the neighborhood. At least my lawn will have that perfect putting green look year round!!! WooHoo!!

Appologies for rambling…
Im a Ramblin Guy!
Cuz Im Raaaaaaammmmm

We just gave you two examples (with video)…

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Ok, so it appears my question is irritating to the forums at best. Not my intention.

Looking at both videos at least 3 times. Did not help me.

  1. I do not have a map view of the area to do any work from a PC/Mission Planner I cant see it on Google, or Google Earth. Please view my attachment.

  2. Other comments stating you would not use google map for Pathway mapping and use a GPS…

  3. With Rovers, how does one use a GPS to map Pathway that cannot be seen from Google Maps on Mission Planner? Do you walk the Pathway with thh Cube Orange powered with a battery and a laptop? Does one rent a Surveyors GPS equipment, laptop and mark coordinates?

All I see is 100% use of Mission Planner Map where the area to be mowed can be actually viewed. MY AREA CANNOT BE VIEWED FROM ANY MAP AS IT IS COVERED BY TREE FOILAGE AND OBSTRUCTS VIEW FROM MISSION PLANNER.

Maybe I should ask this question a different way?

How does one use Mission Planner to map Pathways that are not viewable on Google Maps?

We are saving waypoints that have been physically measured by the RTK corrected GPS on the mower itself. The map imagery is irrelevant.


Hi Yuri,

Thankyou, thats the answer I needed. My appologies again for the seemingly troubling questions.

Regarding the Lua Script.

  1. Is it strictly for Perimeter Mapping or can it be used for mapping entire pathways manually toggling/marking waypoint at each turn in Mission Planner? The reason I ask this question is the comment made below gave me the impression it was strictly perimeter only.

“You can use this Lua script to trace a perimeter by driving in manual/acro/steering mode while the script is active.”

  1. When Mapping Pathways is it possible to go to a Waypoint and add plus 3 Meters then right turn 45°? Or is Mission Planner strictly GPS Based only? I ask this question as I have built commercial Rovers for inside environments prior to the existence of GPS.

  2. Is pathway mapping in Mission Planner all done with Polygones only?

Thankyou again

The script just saves waypoints. You can use that data however you wish.

There isn’t a good mechanism in Mission Planner to offset a single waypoint, as far as I know.

Mission Planner allows for planning each waypoint individually or by automatically filling polygons with waypoints based on some user-set parameters (as shown in the videos).

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