So i have a Traxxas Aton. I am almost positive that the Flight controller is a re purposed px4. I am wondering if anyone can help me figure out how to use a non Traxxas Radio with this? I can solder or read a diagram I just do not know how to trace the signal wires at all. PLEASE HELP!!!
So i have a Traxxas Aton. I am almost positive that the Flight controller is
a repurposed px4. I am wondering if anyone can help me figure out how to use
a non Traxxas Radio with this? I can solder or read a diagram I just do not
know how to trace the signal wires at all. PLEASE HELP!!!
traxxas have published their changes to ArduPilot here:
It might be that you can track back from their changes to determine how
their radio is connected.
Any Idea on how to do that. I have no programming experience at all.
I am trying to do this with a traxxas aton drone ive had. its definitely based off the pixhawk4 cube. i was more thinking of using some the 40-pin I/O on the stock flight controller and enable one of the UART’s to install an ELRS RX.
It already has GPS on two uarts, one for the gps and the other for the compass part of it. it also looks like its a serial RX, that might be frysky or something else. Either way you can modify that all, i just dont know which pins go where…
Also the UARTs being used are plugged in on the White plugs not the pins. It has the GPS, Compass, and Bluetooth module for the App it has for Mission planner like status screen.
I am very familiar with Betaflight and FC’s using that but i don know how to use the Ardupilot enough to see if its possible or not to enable an open serial port and connect a RX to it… Theres also options to add a bunch of other sensors and options even in the older Firmware.
I would also like to update the Drone with the new version of Ardupilot but i dont want it to cause any issues with old hardware or lose my configuration settings.
It says i need to update the bootloader first. There is a bootloader update for the STM32F427VGT6 chip using the SD card and then it says it would be upgradeable over the USB port as far as the firmware.