Transferring files from computer to GCS

Hello, I’m new to GCS development. I have a PX4 connected to my PC Mission Planner via USB and I noticed that Mission Planner has a MAVFtp feature where I can access files, which, I can only assume are served by some component inside the PX unit, which complies with the MavLink FTP protocol messages. But what if I want my companion onboard computer to serve its own files? Is MAVFtp the right option or am I way off? If mavftp: How can I manage those files via Mission Planner? My original assumption is to declare my computer as a separate targetComponent (i.e. non-equal to 1) and have it respond to MAVFtp protocol. But I couldn’t find a way to “ask” MIssion Planner to FTP to/from a custom target component.

Appreciate some guidelines… thanks!

If your Companion Computer is connected to the mavlink network you should be able to select the CC from the drop down menu in Mission Planner.