Trajectory input using “/mavros/trajectory/generated” MavROS topic

Hi All,
I am working on a trajectory generation and testing with ArduCopter. my hardware setup is Cube Orange with Raspberry pi4 (8gb) as Onboard computer(with Ubuntu 20 Server). ROS and MAVROS are installed with R-Pi, I wanted to fly drone through a set of waypoints and ill keep updating this waypoints. Using the Mavros topic “/mavros/trajectory/generated” i can able to publish the waypoints to the ros but arducopter is not responding to this trajectory message. here is the code i testing
@ sprained_ankleEric Johnson can you help me on this

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import rospy
from mavros_msgs.msg import Trajectory, PositionTarget
from mavros_msgs.srv import CommandBool, SetMode, CommandTOL

def generate_trajectory():

trajectory_pub = rospy.Publisher('/mavros/trajectory/generated', Trajectory, queue_size=10)
current_time =
trajectory_msg = Trajectory()
rate = rospy.Rate(1)
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
    # print("while")
    # Create a new set of trajectory points when the previous set is reached by the drone
    if - current_time >= rospy.Duration.from_sec(5):#set trajectory generation intervel aswell as publilshing intervel
    # Create a Trajectory message
        trajectory_msg = Trajectory()
    # Create 3 TrajectoryPoint messages and add them to the Trajectory message
        trajectory_msg.point_1 = PositionTarget()
        trajectory_msg.point_1.coordinate_frame = PositionTarget.FRAME_LOCAL_NED
        trajectory_msg.point_1.type_mask = PositionTarget.IGNORE_YAW_RATE + PositionTarget.IGNORE_AFZ + PositionTarget.IGNORE_AFX + PositionTarget.IGNORE_AFY + \
            PositionTarget.IGNORE_VX + PositionTarget.IGNORE_VY + PositionTarget.IGNORE_VZ
        trajectory_msg.point_1.header.frame_id = 'map'
        trajectory_msg.point_1.header.stamp =
        # trajectory_msg.point_1.
        trajectory_msg.point_1.position.x = 10
        trajectory_msg.point_1.position.y = 2.0
        trajectory_msg.point_1.position.z = 15.0
        trajectory_msg.point_1.velocity.x = 10
        trajectory_msg.point_1.velocity.y = 2.0
        trajectory_msg.point_1.velocity.z = 15.0

        trajectory_msg.point_2 = PositionTarget()
        trajectory_msg.point_2.coordinate_frame = PositionTarget.FRAME_LOCAL_NED
        trajectory_msg.point_2.type_mask = PositionTarget.IGNORE_YAW_RATE + PositionTarget.IGNORE_AFZ + PositionTarget.IGNORE_AFX + PositionTarget.IGNORE_AFY + \
            PositionTarget.IGNORE_VX + PositionTarget.IGNORE_VY + PositionTarget.IGNORE_VZ
    # point1.time_from_start = rospy.Duration.from_sec(1.0)
        trajectory_msg.point_2.header.frame_id = 'map'
        trajectory_msg.point_2.header.stamp =
        trajectory_msg.point_2.position.x = 20
        trajectory_msg.point_2.position.y = 2.0
        trajectory_msg.point_2.position.z = 15.0

        trajectory_msg.point_3 = PositionTarget()
        trajectory_msg.point_3.coordinate_frame = PositionTarget.FRAME_LOCAL_NED
        trajectory_msg.point_3.type_mask = PositionTarget.IGNORE_YAW_RATE + PositionTarget.IGNORE_AFZ + PositionTarget.IGNORE_AFX + PositionTarget.IGNORE_AFY + \
            PositionTarget.IGNORE_VX + PositionTarget.IGNORE_VY + PositionTarget.IGNORE_VZ
    # point1.time_from_start = rospy.Duration.from_sec(1.0)
        trajectory_msg.point_3.header.frame_id = 'map'
        trajectory_msg.point_3.header.stamp =
        trajectory_msg.point_3.position.x = 30
        trajectory_msg.point_3.position.y = 2.0
        trajectory_msg.point_3.position.z = 15.0

        trajectory_msg.point_4 = PositionTarget()
        trajectory_msg.point_4.coordinate_frame = PositionTarget.FRAME_LOCAL_NED
        trajectory_msg.point_4.type_mask = PositionTarget.IGNORE_YAW_RATE + PositionTarget.IGNORE_AFZ + PositionTarget.IGNORE_AFX + PositionTarget.IGNORE_AFY + \
            PositionTarget.IGNORE_VX + PositionTarget.IGNORE_VY + PositionTarget.IGNORE_VZ
    # point1.time_from_start = rospy.Duration.from_sec(1.0)
        trajectory_msg.point_4.header.frame_id = 'map'
        trajectory_msg.point_4.header.stamp =
        trajectory_msg.point_4.position.x = 40
        trajectory_msg.point_4.position.y = 2.0
        trajectory_msg.point_4.position.z = 15.0

        trajectory_msg.point_5 = PositionTarget()
        trajectory_msg.point_5.coordinate_frame = PositionTarget.FRAME_LOCAL_NED
        trajectory_msg.point_5.type_mask = PositionTarget.IGNORE_YAW_RATE + PositionTarget.IGNORE_AFZ + PositionTarget.IGNORE_AFX + PositionTarget.IGNORE_AFY + \
            PositionTarget.IGNORE_VX + PositionTarget.IGNORE_VY + PositionTarget.IGNORE_VZ
    # point1.time_from_start = rospy.Duration.from_sec(1.0)
        trajectory_msg.point_5.header.frame_id = 'map'
        trajectory_msg.point_5.header.stamp =
        trajectory_msg.point_5.position.x = 40
        trajectory_msg.point_5.position.y = 2.0
        trajectory_msg.point_5.position.z = 15.0
        trajectory_msg.point_valid = [True, True, True, True, True]

        trajectory_msg.type = 0

if name == ‘main’:
except rospy.ROSInterruptException:

am i missing something or this issue is related with the configuration?, please helpme

Try a simpler script first, something like takeoff hover for 5 seconds and land. Does that work?

And please do update to ArduCopter 4.3.6 and mavros2 with ROS2 humble.

i have tried takeoff command it working well, also i can able to controll drone using mavros/setpoint_trajectory/local topic. Ros and Mavros are working fine. my confusion is about this “mavros/trajectory/generated” topic. also i am working with Arducopter 4.3.5

i am updating my status: from Mavlink Path Planning Protocol support in ArduPilot · Issue #22539 · ArduPilot/ardupilot · GitHub
as of now ArduPilot Does not support trajectory input.