Hi Jerome,
Sorry to hear you are having trouble. Can you move this post to it’s own thread and include a log file and param file? It doesn’t belong in Tradheli Autotune.
Hi Jerome,
Sorry to hear you are having trouble. Can you move this post to it’s own thread and include a log file and param file? It doesn’t belong in Tradheli Autotune.
Hello All,
I do have a pre tuned 800 gasser heli and I want to use the Autotune on this for it to make the flight attitude improved, as at the moment the heli flies without any trouble and can do automissions.
The only difference will be I will be adding 3 kg payload on the helicopter and that is my question is to do the autotune with payload or without payload ?
I don’t know if I would recommend using the Autotune feature for heli’s just yet. I am still developing the feature and consider it higher risk to use it. As for your question regarding tuning it with or without the payload, Based from what I have learned, I would recommend tuning it without the payload. Tuning at the higher weight (with the payload) would cause the rate P and rate D gain to be higher and would cause an instability at the lower weight (no payload). However I have not tested this theory, but it is what is recommended for multi’s and I think it would be the same for heli’s.
Trad Heli Autotune Testers,
I am getting close to releasing the next version of the heli autotune. This version has a few more features. First it will allow you to choose what testing you want to perform rather than run through the whole process every time. So you can choose from just tuning FF, Rate P and D, or Angle P; or tuning any combination of the three. I have added the Rate P and D tuning this time which includes determining the maximum allowable values for rate P and D. The maximum allowable value is determined analytically and thus is done with the rate P and D gains set to zero. So it then limits these gains to keep from driving an instability. In this version, I also included frequency sweeps. This is a great way to see what the response looks like across a range of frequencies. It will help me be able to see the response of other size heli’s and help you use the tool better.
I am doing flight testing this weekend. I will write up the procedures and hope to get this to you soon.
WOW @bnsgeyer
Sounds exciting… looking forward to test it