Too much difference between Airspeed and Groundspeed on Auto mode

Hello everyone,

Previously I had 2 flights; first, in Auto mode in which I experienced too much difference between the airspeed and groundspeed I assumed a faulty airspeed sensor could cause it so I landed and launched back in FBWA mode to see the difference between airspeed and groundspeed surprisingly it was completely fine. I just had 1 or 2 m/s differences on some points which I think is normal.

AUTO Flight: AUTO.bin - Google Drive

FBWA Flight: FBWA.bin - Google Drive

Was the first flight in windy conditions?

Ground speed and air speed will only be the same on calm, windless days. Reality meaning there will always be a difference between the two values.

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The second flight was 15 mins after the first one in fact I have the this issue for 3 4 previous flight tests in auto mode but they were on different times. I have thought the heat issue too for the airspeed sensor but it was same for the evening flight with literally no sun.

Thanks for the reply,

I understand but there was little to no wind and another thing that in approximately same wind situation I get ok airspeed and groundspeed in FBWA mode