You may have better luck with a .bin file - I see you are trying to read a .tlog file in your screenshot which often doesn’t have some of the data you are looking for.
Where is the data written for live tracking? If I want to see the RPM, does the script pass the data to the Missionplanner RPM plot?
No i don’t think the current script supports that. But can be added if necessary using telemetry logs functions.
This was helpful.
I tried plotting the .bin file and I could see the escs data under the hwes label.
The same was provided in the script in line 213,
logger.write(‘HWES’,‘I,PNum,RPM,Curr,Volt,InT,OutT,PCurr,MosT,CapT,Status’, ‘BHHfffffBBH’, ‘#-qAv–AOO-’, ‘–00000000-’, ofs+i, pnum, RPM, curr, volt, in_thr, out_thr, pcurr, mos_temp, cap_temp, status)
But i think all the escs data are updated in the same variables. So there is no provision for logging each esc data separately with the exisiting code.
I’m planning to make this modification and test it out soon. Rrplace that above line of code with this:
local label = string.format(“HWES%d”, ofs + i)
‘BHHfffffBBH’, ‘#-qAv–AOO-’, ‘–00000000-’,
ofs + i, pnum, RPM, curr, volt, in_thr, out_thr, pcurr, mos_temp, cap_temp, status)
Yes there is, each one has a different instance number i.
But in the data log label it is a single parameter which denotes which esc but the voltage, rpm, current and other motor parameters are not unique to the instance I. The parameters of motor 1 2 3…8 are all updated or overwritten in same parameters.
How are you looking at the data?
- Ardupilog in matlab?
- pymavlink?
- MissionPlanner?
- plotjuggler?
There might be some bugs in
I suggest you use plotjuggler it has a ardupilot plugin that correctly handles instances in messages.
Now I’m unable to get what I got initially; nothing related to the HWES is visible in the .bin or .tlog files.
Help. Can anyone help me with the code and the implementation of this whole thing to read and store all telemetry data of esc from Datalink coming in this format?
Previously when viewing the .bin file, the parameters like volt, curre, inT, outT, rpm, temp etc were stored in the HWES dropdown label in Now when I tried collecting data, the datalog files/.bin files doesn’t show this dropdown, but the message panel in mission control says ESC_HW: loaded.
Use plotjuggler. That one works like it should And you can save a configuration for later use, unlike
So can you guide me step by step?
Install this GitHub - ArduPilot/plotjuggler-apbin-plugins: ArduPilot Dataflash plugin for Plotjuggler
google is your best friend!!!