Tiltrotor support for plane

realflight is worth it, will be much quicker to set up and the physics is better and you get to see what is happening.

The physics backends can be found here:

as far as I know there is no documentation, if you look at some of them it should be fairly self explanatory, rover might be a good place to start

thank you so much for the advice pete! I managed to get my own frame flying in SITL. Still need to dive deeper into the codes to fine-tune it though. But at least it’s a good start and I’m learning a lot!


from another thread the question of using tilting for fore/aft movement in a trirotors front motors came up, and I see it has been considered before but wasn’t implemented. Is there a reason for not using vectored thrust tied to the elevator in MR mode? I think the elevator movement on the elevons would need to be scaled with forward speed, but would you want larger deflection at low speed? Maybe the answer is to scale the deflection down as speed increases and the elevons become more efficient. Ok, now I can visualize my plane in MR mode, flying forward, and instead of flying level the elevons cause a pitch change. That would seem to be bad. The nose up would giive you a rear thrust vector. I think that means the use of elevators/elevons in MR mode only makes sense for keeping the plane level. I still really like the way the stock Convergence flies with the motors tilting in the same direction for forward/back control, the opposite direction for yaw control. I know it’s probably all been discussed before. Anyone want to save me a lot of time before I write code for a concept that won’t work?

see Q_VFWD_GAIN and https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/pull/11763

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Ill try to test this in a day or two. My Matekf405 had bad barometer, waiting on a new one.

Does that pull request affect motor tilt or motor speed? The code appears to use fwd_thr, but actually changes the tilt skew angle. Was this the change from Greg Matek Convergence thread to all a pot to control the forward tilt?

https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/pull/11763 is the PR which I am flying on my F405-Wing/Convergence and which Greg also tried out.

On a tiltrotor, fwd_thr controls motor tilt, but on a quadplane it controls the forward motor’s throttle setting. I suppose you could also have a tiltrotor with non-tilting forward facing motors too.

Hi Pete, Can RealFlight map the physics for tiltrotor vectored thrust mappings (a Y3 with the front 2 used for fwd/back & yaw and the aft motor tilted for fwd/back)?

If so can it take those physics and put them out to the firmware?




it cant no, but someone could do it manually

thats great news! thanks for the info and all of your help Pete.

Hey Calvin. Not sure if you have tried it yet, but octaquad rear tilt configuration works.

Hey Alex, yes I managed to make it work with some guidance from pete. Thanks for asking!

hi i have some question,
my frimwere is ardupilot with mission planner , frame is tricopter , tilt_type is 2 .

  • in fbwa correctly 2 front motors turn forward, but in roll and pitch not help front motors, why? i see samplae on net that help to roll and pitch.

  • now in fbwa, make thrust with 2 front motors, how i change to 1 or 3 motors thrust ?

  • and last question, in quad mode qstabilize or qhover, when yaw action, not return exactly front motors to origin.

thanks all.

I think this is only possible with tail-sitters at the moment.

see Tilt Rotor Planes — Plane documentation

I’m not sure I understand? There not coming back to vertical? probability expected if there its a little out of trim or there is wind or something.

Thanks iampete,

  • Pleaes see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5edGICKura4,
    during roll and pitch stick, front motors help them, but my motors is fix.

  • I change Q_TILT_MASK but not diffrent on output motors. maybe i not understand, its for enable/disable motors or set servo tilt?
    because i want enable/disable motors for FBWA mode Thrust.

  • I give 20 degrees Yaw but when relase stick must give 5 degrees reverse Yaw that go to origin, like this https://vimeo.com/333694226.

Thanks a lot :pray: :pray:

Kris is not running ArduPilot, he has is own fork.

It is for motors, what are your parameters? and what version are you running?

I’m still not sure of your issue, can you post a vid. Note that testing on the bench is not representative of what will happen in flight.

Hi, some problems solved.

what should I do that change motors servo position in FBWA mode ? (front motors servo)
I want turn front motors to up or down in FBWA mode.

it will be the SERVOx_MIN or SERVOx_MAX param for your left and right tilt servo function outputs, whether its min or max depends on if its reversed or not.

How can i trim my vtol in Quad mode? That vtol be Stable and Level in Quad mode.
I see some way but its not for VTOL

Q_TRIM_PITCH, for roll and yaw you will have to fix it mechanically
