Hi Greg,
Thanks a lot for your answer!
I think APM Plane supports the quad-rotor setup with all 4 rotors tilting since it is mentioned in the tilt-rotor web-page under the quadplane support. I solved my problem. As it turns out the “ARMING REQUIRE=0” parameter is bugged for some reason and I had to use “RUDDER_ARMING” instead to arm the vehicle. More on that here : Arming Require.
The problem we are facing now is that the VTOL only lifts off about 1.5 to 2 meters before starting to lose altitued slowly. Now this is our first ever plane. I will list our setup and talk about possible reasons why it won’t lift off.
Motors : SunnySky X2814 900 kV motors ( 1500 grams lift at 24.2 Amps with 13x6.5 props)
Propellers : 13X5.5 props
ESC’s : 40A Hobbywing Skywalker ESC’s (3s)
Battery : 6250 mAh 3S Li-Po
Total Weight : 4.5 kg
Wing Span : 1.5 meters
Possible reasons for the problem :
-Maybe the weight is too much for the battery. In QSTABILIZE mode while hovering at 1m battery only lasts about 1:30 minutes. We are currently trying to decrease weight and find a more powerful battery or even connecting severeal batteries in parallel.
- Maybe there is some parameter I missed that limits the max throttle, though I highly doubt it.
- Using 4S ESC’s with 4s batteries might increase efficiency.
You guys here are a lot more experienced than us maybe you guys could guide us to the root of the problem.
I am including our first hover test below.
Have a nice day everyone !