Thrust Vectoring Coaxial Helicopter

As shown in the picture above, I would like to control the Thrust Vectoring Coaxial Helicopter in Ardupilot.

Does anyone know any information about the parameters that Ardupilot can control?

Control the direction of the trust vector using two servo motors
Create coaxial inversion thrust using two motors
Control the yaw axis by controlling the two motors in opposite directions

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Have you searched this forum? And the documentation?

Yes, I didโ€ฆ
But I couldnโ€™t find the drone with the desired shape.

What I want is not the shape of the drone like the picture above.

You can refer to the picture I posted.

This is just the Coax Copter. You would use your tilting servos instead of the vanes to control pitch and roll. So you could just use the set up for the coax copter. I would think this would be pretty straightforward.

Oh, I understand.
Then, if I choose Coax Copter and set it up, I will try to see if there are any errors in the control method.

Itโ€™s different from the shape I wanted, so I was worried if I could fly by setting it up as Coax Copter!

The shape doesnโ€™t matter. Just the method used to control the 4 axes. Coax copter uses the vanes to control pitch and roll, differential torque between the motors to control yaw and thrust on both propellers to control the vertical axis. I suppose it could be using the vanes to help out with yaw but you will have to look at the wiki to see if it does.