Thrust Loss Check

With almost the same price range, the Kakute H7 V2 has 128Mb flash and has Bluetooth support. Will this flight controller be compatible with Ardupilot?

Yes, that board is supported. Block logging to flash memory instead of an Sd Card but no real problem there. It’s done on several other supported FC’s.

Note-If you were flashing the firmware to that board today you would want the latest Beta version for a fix to do with log download.

Thanks. Placing the order now. Is it safe to fly with the Beta firmware?

Yes, for sure. Latest/Master/Dev version is the only Rev with some risk. IMO anyway.

If you have not flashed Ardupilot to one of these types of FC’s that come with Betaflight read the Arducopter Wiki about doing so. It’s not difficult but can be confusing.