Hi Guys, I am having a problem with my throttle signal. When I am in the radio calibration tab, my throttle bar moves as normal with pwm values from 985 to 2000 across the full range. But when I am armed and in the servo output tab, my throttle channel bar only moves slightly with pwm values from 1100 to 1180. My motor also does not turn on as I dont think they are receiving a high enough pwm value.
I have calibrated the radio and the esc but it still seems as if it is not outputting enough throttle signal for some reason.
Look for the value of your SERVOx_MAX parameter (where x = the output you connected your motor to).
Or post a .param file with your parameters so we can play detective
Thanks for the reply, servox_max for the throttle channel looks normal. I have also tried shifting the throttle channel to a different on with the same result.
Here is a .param file. Hopefully you can find something.