Hi all,
First post here, I am hoping someone can help me.
Maidened my new build over the weekend, and ran into a slight issue.
I will try my best to give as much data/info as possible, please let me know if something else is needed. I am hoping it is something simple (or something silly I have done on my end).
The build:
- Volantex Ranger EX with standard motor/prop and servos
- FC: Matek H743 WING V2
- FW: ArduPlane V4.2.1
- ESC: Hobbywing Platinum 40A
- GPS/Compass: Matek M8Q-CAN
- Airspeed sensor: Matek ASPD-4525 (connected in CAN with GPS, ARSPD_USE set to 0 as calibration still to be performed)
- Lidar: Benewake Tfmini plus
- Receiver: Radiomaster R168
- Battery: X-power 2200mah 25C
- Other: RubyFPV system with pizero 2W, picam v2, and Alfa AWUS036ACH
The problem:
In AUTO mode, throttle will not go above ~66.5%. This was evident during take-off, and when switching to auto during flight after a manual take-off.
The result:
Underpowered in flight and unable to take-off/gain altitude in AUTO mode.
Checks and observations during maiden flight test campaign:
THR_MAX is set to 100%
TKOFF_THR_MAX was set to 0% during 1st flight, 100% during second, no changes observed
BATT_WATT_MAX set to 0
MANUAL, AUTOTUNE and FBWA modes allow 100% throttle, this allowed for a good take-off and flight in these respective modes
Checks and observations from LOGS:
I have attached 3 logs which I have had a look at (although I have not yet figured out the problem with my knowledge level). Descriptions and observations below:
LOG1: First flight attempt in AUTO with take-off. Plane would not climb more than ~3-4m above ground. Switched to manual to land
- The throttle limit at ~66% is clearly visible in AUTO mode.
- Switching to manual/FBWA immediately allowed full throttle.
- It looks like the throttle did climb to 100% in AUTO mode, right before I chickened out and switched to MANUAL, it may have been me starting to take throttle up with THROTTLE_NUDGE set to 1.
- For some or other reason, TECS.sp almost instantly climbs higher than the TECS.spdem. My understanding of this parameter may be wrong, but this seems like a potential issue. That being said, I saw similar behavior on another build I did, that did not limit the throttle.
- What I should have attempted here is using THROTTLE_NUDGE during AUTO to climb out, although this did not occur to me at the time, so it was not done.
LOG2: Varied some parameters (TKOFF_THR_MAX to 100%, and turned off THROTTLE_NUDGE) and attempted same as LOG1, same result.
- TECS.sp climbed again, but was lower than TECS.spdem. Throttle still limited.
LOG3: Take-off in AUTOTUNE mode, a few mode switches through flight, most of flight in FBWA.
- Throttle not limited in FBWA/AUTOTUNE/MANUAL modes. Take-off was easy in these modes at 100% power.
- When switching to AUTO mode during flight (after take-off), throttle was once again limited.
In all the logs, what seems to be electrical interference is clearly visible in the LIDAR, I am not sure if this is related to the issue.
Link to logs below for both dropbox and google drive, please let me know if its not working:
Let me know if there is anymore info that can help.
Once again, I am hoping it is something small I have missed.