I received the timestamp I got from gps, in the update function of gps, it called the set_utc_usec of the RTC and passed it to the hardware and the massion planner, but he got the obvious London time, I was in the East 8th district, I added a time offset to the time he sent to the ground station, it was clear that the time of the ground station did not change, and secondly I would like to ask you
is just for mavlinkv2 signing feature, so it it won’t update the time send to the GCS.
Normally, GCS should be able to scale UTC time to localtime if it is configured
Hello, I found that the hardware time of the MP ground station after connecting to gps still did not find that my time zone automatically changed, I manually added the time zone offset to the timestamp, and the time I got was consistent with my local time, I used the log today, and found that its time was shifted backward, for example, at twelve o’clock, the time was displayed in the MP normally, and the generated log was eight o’clock in the evening, which postponed the time zone unit, where is this time modified, the hardware time in the MP, as shown in the figure above, The offset is manually added for normal display@ khancyr
For instance, as shown in the image, I created a new log at 22:38. At that time, the time was correct. However, when I tried to recreate it at 42 minutes later, the previous file seemed to have an error and showed up as six in the morning of the next day.
I modified the BRD_RTC_TZ_MIN parameter, but it’s clear that the time on the ground station did not change. I added a timezone offset in the program, but the new issue is that the log time clearly recognizes the timezone and is 8 hours ahead of the time on the ground station. So, where should I make the modification to synchronize these two times?
What do you mean with “recreate”; what did you do?
The time shown in the log window is the time of last change of the log file based on the time the changing computer has. So if you modifiy the file by your FC it is the time of your FC and if you modified the file by your home PC while you take out the SD card from FC to PC it is based on the PC time.
The FC time is normally based on GPS Time (BRD_RTC_TYPES = 1) which is UTC + offset from BRD_RTC_TZ_MIN. In this case it is not aligned with the GCS as the GCS could be in a different timezone or is used with a different timezone setting.