Thank You Team Ardupilot +Shaun,Yuri_Rage,Amilcarlucas and Ben @3DXR

What a week of fun and pure enjoyment I have had thanks to the aboved named people,they really go the extra mile to help us less Academic flyers.
Firstly Shaun is all ways on hand to help with tuning not just me but every one both Yuri_Rage And Amilcarlucas help with all the technical stuff thank you and finally Ben and the Team at 3DXR here in the UK they just stock the best compents and offer unrivalled service we need to clone Ben so I can get 5 mins call time with him. Well this week I achieved getting both the SIYI MK32 working well and the A8 gimbal and did 2 survey missions, From me and Pixie my 13yr old staffy thank you it gives me a purpose in life and my doggie goes mental when I start packing my flying gear as she knows she will get to roam.
Every one on Ardupilot many thank’s for all you do.
P/s we have two hooligans on here I will leave the heavy gang to deal with then =Randy and Tridge what they do for the community is unbelievable,sorry I forgot Dave an other faithful helper on here and P/S Allister an other person all ways helping