TFmini 360°(almost) lidar

@count74 @ppoirier do you have any examples of using the 3d mavlink input for a rangefinder? I want to make a solid state 3d version of this using the VL53L5X, its a 60 degree 8x8 array but i cant find anything for 3d mavlink its all python. That’s basically the point of this creation is to get the code and i2c working on the RP2040 then I’m going to make a 2d version first by just using one line of the array. first before attempting 3d. i could make the line of the array selectable by the angle of the vehicle since it’s already connected to mavlink, or just make it scan each line.

how would multiple mavlink rangefinders work, does it just order them based on port?

@rishabsingh3003 is the reference of this subject

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got the vl53l1x servo proximity working


Got a basic version running using the VL53L5X 8x8 lidar array. at the moment its just using a single row of pixels. I am going to read in the vehicle angle from the mavlink telemetry and use that to select pixels based on the angle of the vehicle so it should keep a flat scanning plane by changing what pixels it uses as it pitches and rolls and eventually 3d if i can figure out the math.