Test flight log for mission today

Can anyone see any issues in this test flight log? My y vibrations are higher than normal but the log looks ok to me. It was gusty but it did not look like the copter had any trouble.
If you have time please take a look. Thank you!
Also: I cant seem to download logs via mav link. When I try to “download logs via mavlink” it only finds the first 5 or 6 logs.
Any ideas?

hi @mtnsurveyor
everything shows a good and successful flight but it seems that motor 4 and 3 working harder

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Actually I see Motors 3&4 working a bit harder. When it’s in opposing arms like this it can be related to Yaw imbalance possibly from motor/prop alignment. Any opportunity for the motors to not be square with the frame Curt? This can easily happen on round arms. I wouldn’t say this is a big problem, the differential isn’t that high.

Tuning doesn’t look bad but there isn’t much pitch or roll magnitude in this flight so not sure…Make some quick aggressive moves to check this out further.

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There is a bit of a spread in the motor outputs that could, as @dkemxr pointed out, be due to a twist.

Your vibration level is quite good as you can see from the IMU data, although there is a slight increased variance in the Y sporadically

Looking at your desired v actual I would comment that it looks pretty busy, but not knowing the size of the copter that may or may not be relevant.
What I do notice is the slight overshoot of yaw, which holds up the opinion that there is a motor twist in play here.

Apart from that it all looks good.

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There was one motor twisted slightly. Thank you all for the review.
I should have stated the copter data:
Pixhawk2.4.8 quad 550
4s Hitec 3508 motors
14.5" props
carbon frame w/ 16mm round arms
2.2kg AUW

I think you are looking pretty good Curt. 680kV 3508 motors?

You are downloading logs via USB and not seeing them all?

yes I am using USB and I do not see all the logs.
Should I delete old ones?

Yes that is what I have. So far so good with this brand. I have 2216- 900kv ones running another copter.
Again, so far so good.

Are they there if you plug the Sdcard into a PC? It takes a lot of logs to fill up a card at that level of logging. But yes, I suppose delete them as you will want to record more flights to tweak the tune maybe.

Yes using the card is the only way I can see my logs. I do not want to wear the slot out so eventually I need to fix.

Does everyone looked at vservo ?
Its at 3v. Is it normal?

I don’t know what vservo is? Can you explain?

i think its voltage in servo rail .
do you use UBEC or ESCs have internal BEC ?

im using an BEC to backup my FC power for when power module failing

My ESC’s are ubec and I only have 1 power module. I have a castle creations BEC that I could install.
Probably a good Idea right?

If your escs have internal ubec its unnecessary
But i don’t know why your vservo is at 3v in all of my log vservo is 5v
Try measure output voltage from escs ubec with a multimeter its probably output voltage is 3v

I guess I got that wrong. There is no BEC in my ESC’s. Only signal & ground wires connect to the FC. Currently no power is supplied to the rail.

Ok it seems that we find the reason of 3v try to install your BEC as backup power to servo rail
It will help you to prevent brownouts