Terrain Following with Ardupilot/Mission Planner


Does Ardupilot use terrain following?

If so, does it accept terrain data from DEMs or DSMs?

What formats is the data required to be in?

Thanks in advance.

This should help.
Click the first link for plane or the second link for copter.

[Edit] links may be swapped in different browsers

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Hello Jan:

Thanks for the reply. I found the links, but neither link loads a page when clicked on.

Maybe these links work better:
Copter, Plane
If they still don’t load, try a different browser or computer. They do exist.

Short summary:
Yes, Ardupilot has a terrain following feature. The source of the terrain data in Mission Planner and MAVProxy is the global SRTM database with a 100m spacing between datapoints. Alternatively you can get terrain data here with a spacing down to 30m.

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Hi Jan:

Many thanks for the new links! They work fine.

I read that ArduPilot references the SRTM database, which has a typical accuracy of around 10 to 20 meters. In addition, some areas may suffer from worse accuracy.

Is it possible to create a more accurate DSM/DEM using a local drone survey which can then be used by ArduPilot?

This practice is possible in DJI drones.

Thanks for your help.