Temperature and humidity sensor data sends to gcs

The temperature and humidity sensor is connected to the flight control serial port and sends data to the information window of the ground station using lua code.
If it rains during the flight, we will know immediately.

Nice, can you publish links to the hardware and the lua script you used?

Looks really good. It would be really nice if you could share your code and hardware details since I am also working on similar things.

you have gave no information on how you have done this? not even what sensor it is?

The sensor was purchased on Taobao, and once it is powered on, it will output temperature and humidity information. I just used Lua script to transmit this information to the ground station in its original form。

set serialx_protocol 28
connect sensor on serialx
the code
code from https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/blob/master/libraries/AP_Scripting/examples/Serial_Dump.lua
do some change

the sensor

【淘宝】https://m.tb.cn/h.5kef8oS?tk=TYszWVbHOEE CZ0001


Can you paste the code in text form instead of a picture?
Can you provide a URL link to the sensor?