This is what I have so far for my script for my step 2. I was planning on running this script as a background process. Although, I wasn’t sure how to handle the flags and new fields in mavlink2 frame.
#This is a generic script for logging sensor data from a sensor connected to a raspberry pi.
#To run this as a background process on the CLI, type 'python3 &'
#type 'kill -9' followed by PID number to terminate process
#The script does the following.
#1)Creates a file for the sensor data onboard the computer companion
#2)Reads the incoming Serial data and stores it in a variable
#3)Creates a mavlink packet to forward to the ardupilot flight controller.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
import serial
import datetime
from os.path import exists
###########Variables for converting to mavlink###################
stx='0xFD' #protocol specific start of text
length=100 #payload length 0-255
incF= #incompatibility flag
cmpF= #compatibility flag
sq= 0 #sequence - detects apcket loss
sysID= 1#ID of vehicle sending the message 1-255
cmpID= 0#ID of component sending the message. zero broadcast to ALL
msgID=251#ID of message type used in payload used to decode data back in msg object.251 is a NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT
payload=' '#Stores the sensor data
sig=0#13 byte signature. THIS IS OPTIONAL
########Naming and creating file for Sensor Log################
dt = str("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S"))
filename = 'SENSOR_SAMPLE' + dt +'.txt'
f = open('PATH/TO/FILE'+filename , 'w')
########Naming and creating file for mavlink converted packets####
filename = 'mavlink_SENSOR_SAMPLE' + dt +'.txt'
f2 = open('PATH/TO/FILE'+filename , 'w')
#Set Up Serial Port for the sensor
#Ensure you are using the correct header name in '/dev' which the component is plugged in to. If the ETHUSB Hub Hat is attached, the ttyUSB number sometimes changes between zero and one.
ser = serial.Serial(
baudrate = 115200,
#The program will continue to write into the file until it is terminated.
while 1:
data = str(
#debugs printer
#writes into the log
#convert the data into mavlink
sq++ #increment sequence
if sq = 256:
sq = 0
payload = data
packet= stx + len + seq + sysID + comID + msgID + payload + checksum