Telemetry ESC BLHeli32

Hello, I need some ESCs for my project that can send back telemetry data (motor current, RPM) to my flight controller. I thought about using DYS Aria BLHeli_32bit ESC, one in its 35A and the other one in its 70A variant. Are they able to do that? Or do I need some additional Hardware? As my FC i am using a Mateksys H743 Wing V3, so I’m only able to use single ESCs.
Thank you!

What difference would that make?
Any BLHeli_32 will provide ESC telemetry either thru serial data or Bdshot (for RPM and perhaps extended).

So am I understanding this right, any BLHeli_32 ESC sends back the motor current to the FC, without any additional wires or hardware?
Thank you for the answer!

With additional wires if you use regular serial telemetry, and without additional wires if you use bidirectional DShot (which is what you should use). Note that you need to flash a BDShot-enabled firmware to use it.

Also, consider using BLHeli_S/Bluejay or AM32 instead of BLHeli32, because of this.

What do you mean by that? You can use AiO ESCs with it as well.

No. On single BLHeli_32 ESC’s current will be in the Bdshot data stream. Perhaps that was the point you were making? On 4-in-1’s it will typically not be unless each section of the 4-in-1 has a shunt resistor which is not common. I have one of those ESC’s.

Do you mean 4in-1’s? Why not? Perhaps I don’t understand the point you are trying to make.

Yeah, 4in1. I don’t understand what he meant by only being able to use single ESCs due to the FC.

I don’t either. There are a whole lot of Matek H743-Wing’s being used on multirotors with 4-in-1’s.

The Wings don’t have a dedicated JST-SH ESC socket… @Matzetech 4in1 ESCs will usually have connectors on the reverse side of where the socket is mounted. You can just run wires from there to the according connectors of the FC (i.e. S1, … S4, GND…). Even if they only have a socket, you can just cut the plug on one side of the cables and solder them to the mentioned connectors on your FC.

Yeah, sorry for the confusion I caused, I didn’t look at the pinout and just assumed it wouldn’t work because 4 data pins + Vcc and Ground should be 6 pins and didn’t know the other two pins could be another GND, 5V or telemetry rail.

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