The instructions from the website says If using a Pixhawk that has ports labeled AUX and MAIN, set SYS_USE_IO=0 and connect your ESCs to the AUX-labeled outputs as though they were labeled MAIN .
There is no parameter called SYS_USE_IO
What do I do now?
Yes, you have to tell the FC to use the AUX channels for the motors rather than the MAIN channels. SYS_USE_IO sets the aux channels to be used as main.
And I just clicked on that link and it’s telling me to use the SERVO_DSHOT_ESC parameter and that parameter also is completely missing from the parameter list. I have been trying to get this thing flying for 4 months.
Okay, then where do I go, to find out how to make this thing work? I have DSHOT ESCs with a pixhawk 2.4.8 board and I just want to fly it. How do I do that?