Hello, I would like to point out one error and one possible addition for the documentation on connecting a Raspberry Pi companion to a pixhawk:
I am connecting a Pixhawk 2 (Cube by ProfiCNC & Hex) to a Raspberry Pi 3.
Now, in the current documentation, it says:
SERIAL2_BAUD = 921 so the Pixhawk can communicate with the RPi at 921600 baud.
Then, further down to test the connection:
mavproxy.py --master=/dev/ttyAMA0 --baudrate 57600 --aircraft MyCopter
This is an error. Trying to connect at 57600 when the Pixhawk has been set to 921600 results in garbage characters, e.g.:
MAV> Waiting for heartbeat from /dev/ttyS0
0 0 cXAc?Vx\opz &g[{P@|x_f%O
So, the obvious thing is to change either the top or the bottom to the same baud rate. I am not sure which would be preferable but the current instructions are wrong.
Another small thing to note is the Note in that same section that reads:
On newer versions of Raspberry Pi 3 the uart serial connection may be disable by default. In order to enable serial connection on the Raspberry Pi edit /boot/config.txt and set enable_uart=1. the build-in serial port is /dev/ttyS0.
It should perhaps be be pointed out that the serial port in the mavproxy command is not necessarily /dev/ttyAMA0 but might also be /dev/ttyS0.
So, in my case (again, RPi 3 talking to Pixhawk 2), the command becomes:
mavproxy.py --master=/dev/ttyS0 --baudrate 921600 --aircraft MyCopter
Perhaps my second point is too obvious but the first one is definitely an error and needs to be corrected one way (both 57600) or another (both 921600).