Strange shaking on maiden flight 3-4secs after take off

Hello I have problems with one fresh big heavy build Octo_Quad X8.
MOTORS: X8318 100KV
ESC: HobbyWing 80A
FC: PixHawk 2.4.8
FRAME: 1370mm
PROPS:3080 carbon
The problem is that on maiden flight i start the drone in ALTHold mode and I raise the drone to 2-3 meter with no problem, it seems very stable but suddenly the drone starts to shake in Roll axis I think and starts to raise up and doesn’t listen the RC.
I attach the telemlog, logs, PIDs that i run, and wiring scheme of motors and direction. I checked everything twice before first flight but shit happens. Can someone explain me what happen with drone in log files?
Link for all the files, photos and videos:
Thanks in advance!

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