Stable in Althold and Stabilize but oscillation and Crash on Loiter C

hello , I just did Manual Tune my Copter and its seems Stable on ALTHOLD and STABILIZE but when Chang mode to Loiter its becoming U Shape Big Oscillator and even i changed back to althold it caused Crash . I Attach My .Bin it has ALTHOLD Hover and the finally Manual Tune on loiter with Crash . please HELP .

I using T Motor MN705 KV260 with 30" Blades
with Two 10000 mAh 6S in Parallel
frame is XQuad
GPS + Compass : here3
each ARM (Main Base to Motors) is about 50cm
THRS/WGHT about 3.5
ESC : TMotor Flame 80A

Check if you properly mounted your gps as oscillation in gps module can result in a unstable quad.

This has custom firmware:
Simorghsoha Sprayer Firmware V2.0.0 (2d7022e5)
so you might want to contact the seller and see if you can load stable Arducopter firmware.
Dont let them tell you not to be changing anything, because this is far from ready for flight.
Or what I would do is just forge ahead regardless and load the official stable copter firmware.

I’m going to provide all my thoughts and parameters as if you are using an official version of firmware.
No one of these items or sections will fix your copter by magic → it’s a “whole of copter” thing where everything interacts.

Set all the usual safety options for this big copter:


I see you already had battery voltage settings close to these, but these are the tested/tried and true values for 6S Lipo.

Physical issues:
There is a serious bit of motor-mount twist → counter-clockwise motors (1 & 2) have to work much harder than clockwise motors (3 & 4) to make up for the physical yaw bias.

Fix up all the motor mounts so the props spin on exactly the same plane.

There is some high vibrations you will need to take care of, particularly the Z axis. These vibrations will certainly give you trouble, and we can tell because so far you are just getting airborne and already the vibration levels for Z axis are getting into the danger zone >20

Tuning issues:
PIDs are way too low, try going back to something more standard as a starting point:


General fixes:

INS_HNTCH_ENABLE,1  // write this then refresh params to see the rest

Some of these are specific to your ESCs so be sure to get everything exactly as I have it.
The easy way:
Copy and paste ALL the parameters from above sections into notepad and save as “updates.param”
Then in MissionPlanner full parameter list, “Load from file” → you will have to do this twice because of that enable parameter (or just set it yourself and refresh the parameters before loading from file)

Now go to MissionPlanner motor test.
Check and set MOT_SPIN_ARM and MOT_SPIN_MIN since they will be different now.
MOT_SPIN_ARM should be as low as you can get it and all motors still start up reliably.
Add 0.03 to that value and set MOT_SPIN_MIN

If you’ve done some work to improve vibrations and the motor-mount twist, NOW you can do another test flight :slight_smile:
Take off in AltHold mode and check stability, if it’s OK do some gentle movements, some altitude changes, do the same in Loiter mode if possible.

Let’s see that log.



Tank you so much , About the Custom firmware, My team just customized the firmware , we produce Professional Agricultural UAV,s , the firmware is just Fine its based on Ardupilot 4.5.0 . And we test this version on 6 or 7 High payload (60KG) Hexa Copters and we are going to inject this version to our mass production Line . So I think firmware is reliable . But because of your Concern i will test with Official APM Version .

I disabled the Battery fail safe because when the Battery is going low the mode changed to RTL and RTL submode is loiter so the copter is going to unstable.

And this my important problem every time :
Is the low PID terms cause the Unstabilty ?!
actually i can’t find the answer on discuss

As soon as My Quad Come back to life (replace blades , GPS and Maybe Flight controler damaged on crash ) i will test and Publish the result . Tnks Again

Yes I have the experiment of that , I will recheck and fix the mounts if necessary. Tank you

Ah I see.
So stay with your firmware if you are positive your modifications or branding will not interfere with tuning.
There are so many features and possibilities with LUA scripting now, that there is rarely a need for custom changes anymore.

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