SpeedyBee F405 Wing Firmware

Cannot get the ESC Telemetry working on the SpeedyBee F405 Wing.
I am using a Holybro Tekko32 F4 BLHELI32, with the PWM wired to the Servo1 port and the TX wired to the Serial1 Rx.
If I plug this same ESC in another AP (MatekH743) its working with the same settings. Also other Holybro Tekko32 F4, that I have, are not working in the SpeedyBee, no Voltage, Current or RPMs are showing in the MP status. However the motor is running well with DShot mode.
Can someone confirm the ESC Telemetry is working in this board?

I have GPS data and telemetry through sport on tx4 with an inverter
This gives the sensors in telemetry on my x20 tx. However the Yaapu telemetry script just says no GPS. Not sure why. Anyone got this working?

@andyp1per @dkemxr Do you have any clue why I can’t get the ESC Telemetry on the SpeedyBee F405? Was this verified before?

I don’t have a Wing - @hwurzburg might be able to help as he did the port

you say you are using RX1 as the telem in connection…which is normally the RC input UART…what is SERIAL1_PROTOCOL set to? also you dont have anything connected to SBUS in do you? how is your RC connected? you need to use a different UART for ESC telem if you are using UART1 for RC which is the default protocol for that port

Hello Henry,

I am familiar with the settings as I have same concepts with other APs (MateksyH743), to be certain that I was not facing an HW issue, I swap the ESC to the MatekH743, the issue stays in the SpeedyBee, so I assume something might be wrong with the AP. Aso I tried using the Serial4 with same settings but it does not receive any telemetry. But, the ESC is working, the motor is running properly, I can command the reverse mode, can connect to the BLHeliSuite change settings, etc. Just no Telemetry.
Can you confirm that this feature is really working in this AP?
Here you can find the parameters.
Thank you for the support!


what is the sbus pin connected to?

The SBUS is connected in the SERIAL2 to the FrSKy Archer RS receiver. I am using the (inverted) Sport Passthrough Telemetry on the TX and the SBUS is on RX (inverted). This is working fine, btw everything is working fine, OLED, Airspeed, Compass, GPS, Lidar, etc, except the ESC telemetry.

Hi Pedro. Just trying to use your experience of f405 wing! Can you get inverted sport from tx2 whilst using rx2 for inverted sbus, or are you using an external inverter on TX2? I had to use tx4 for my inverter to get sport Telemetry so rx2 still works for sbus. But I would like to free up tx4 for camera control. Also do you know if the uart1 can be set to anything other than RCIN and used as a general UART? Thanks for a y help as I’m new to this!

Hi Philip,
Yes, I am using the side connector, where you have the serial2 and serial4 together. On the Rx2 you must connect the SBus, because it’s the only line that is inverted on the AP (you can connect also directly in the front, in the default SBus input). I had to use the Inverted S.Port from the receiver and connect it directly to the Tx2. If your receiver do not have an Inverted S.Port output and only has normal S.Port, then you need an external inverter. Regarding the Serial1 you can use it for any other purpose, should work. The Serial2_Rx is per default the SBUS. The Serial2 is not a normal Uart (can be set as normal per BRD_ALT_CONFIG=1), the AP is listening the SBUS, only on the Rx. But if you change the settings for the Serial2 to listen the S.Port, the AP will do it for the Tx2.
Use the following settings for the Serial 2:
This way you have the SBUS and S.Port running both on Serial2, and you can save one Uart.

Many thanks Pedro for those tips.

This one extremely bizarre thing. If I flash BL file from INav, it works!!! Yesterday, when you suggested BL file, I did it through the STMCube and it DID NOT work.
BUT,… but, it this work through INav configurator, as you suggested in this thread.

What the hell is going on with SDpeedyBeeF405?!?!? So very weird.
Thank you!!!

Perhaps there’s some nuance with iNav flash that is not accounted for by AP. The only time I’ve ever seen STM32CubeProgrammer fail was with a defective board. The alternative is that you have some version control issues with your downloads, and you mistakenly flashed a non-bootloader version when you intended otherwise (honestly, a more likely scenario).

I’m more baffled why anyone uses this board at all when full featured alternatives are available at similar price points.


some of us (me) don’t have the time to develop a comparable knowledge base with which to make informed decisions.

That strange, I always use the STMCube for the first flash operation and always working - I have at least 5 speedybee boards. The only issue was the serial connection in one port.

@Pedro Claro,
Hello Pedro, you make me feel very curious on howe exactely you succeed to have your telemetry working.
Will you be please so kind to guide me to get this working? Very much apreciat it.
My sutuation,
I will convert a conventional rc plane to a auv fpv with the speedybee f405 wing app.
Radio FrSky x20s latest fw
Receiver archer plus rs (due to the fact it has sbus,sport,sport inverted)
Speedybee on ardupilot wing.
Set-up a plane in the radio reg and bind the rx is working servo control from and connected to the speedybee. Serial#2 9600 Frsky D Here no problem.
Telemetry, i connect FC site connector pin TX4 sport to sport on rs receiver.
Serial #4 57600 Frsky SPort no further settings.
Is not working.
I treid almost every possible settings no succes.
Where am i going the wrong way?
Like to hear.
Btw is a lua script nessesary for telemetry? For instance the yaapu
Kind regards, Theo

I just tested the yaapu telemetry. No succes.
I realy start to doubt it is working at all.

Theo, you have to use the S.Port Inverted connection on the Archer Plus RS and then configure the port on the Speedybee as described here.

Hello Reinhard,
Thanks for your swift reply.
I did the test with the pin on sport reversed.
57600 Frsky sPort passthrou halfduplex and TX pullup. No succes.
I made picturesfrom my rx and fc howe it is connected and of the config screens.
Howe to insert pics?

This is what the empty editor says … Drag or paste images