SpeedyBee F4 V3 stack


Got a SpeedyBee F405 V3 stack and would like to experiment a bit with it and ardupilot.

Tried a few times to setit up but so far I have not found how to configure a few basic parameters, these are the FRAME_TYPE in conjuction with what motor per servo position should be setup. Tried simple 1,2,3,4 in sequence and did not work, also tried quite a few combinations either with QUAD X or Beetaflight X but at the end nothing worked.
Actually the best that I could achieve was to fly ok but the pitch control is reversed, meaning when I push forward the craft goes backwards and vice versa. It looks to me that the motor positions are not ok.

Is there someone that has this stack working ok with ardupilot/arducopter that could indicate to me what params should I put in the above configurations?

Thanks in advance.

There is nothing special about that stack in this regard. Read this and then reverse the Pitch channel on your Transmitter.
Motor Order
Then use Mission Planners Motor Test to confirm you have the order and direction correct. Make sure you understand which motors should run when you press the A-D buttons.

Thanks for the swift reply.

It cross my mind to change the channel direction but did not do it as I thought it would have been something in motor numbering.

After setting RC2_REVERSED = 1, it now works as expected, thanks for the help.

Now, got a few non-trivial things to see how to config them.
First is the report from ESC of the motor RPM in order to have gyro noise filtering.
I have this enabled by having flashed Bluejay and it works ok in Betaflight.
Seen though some posts here that it might give trouble with arducopter.

Another point that I want to see if it is possible and how to configure the on-board bluetooth of the F405V3.
If it can be used with the android mission planner it would be really great.
First attempt though was not succesfull (though it works ok with the SpeedyBee app and Betaflight).

Got a few more to investigate, eg OSD, SmartAudio etc, but first things first.


You would need a Bdshot version of firmware for that to work and I don’t believe there is one.

Hmm… yes, you are right, did not seen a -bdshot firmware folder for speedybee indeed.
Only this ArduPilot firmware : /Copter/stable/speedybeef4v3
and one for heli.

Is there any chance that the onboard bluetooth could be used for mavlink ?

(It looks this stack misses quite some neat things on ardupilot.)

As a developer recently posted “Do not use bdshot on this board - it conflicts with i2c”
And as per the Hwdef for this board
" * SERIAL4 → UART4 (connected to internal BT module, not currently usable by ArduPilot)"

But on the plus side they are very cheap…

Got same fc (not stack).

Yesterday first flight …
(motor order is a mess).

Let’s keep in touch !


Motor order is either right or wrong. How can it be a mess?

Hw order is speedybee f4v3 default (suggested connections), and I used inav order on quad.
Quad overturned at fist takeoff.
Than I googled and spent two hours trying to understand what was wrong.
After a few drawings that I threw in the trashcan I changed servox 33-36 to resemble inav order and it worked.
Than I got tuning problems because autotune was failing due probably to high vibrations.
I found some tuning pars on internet and now it flies quite well. Yet to test lot of stuff, but poshold, landing, stab and althold work …
I will test acro as last , because I need to be sure quad comes back …just in case…:slight_smile:


One check with Mission Planners Motor Test, which is really mandatory before first flight, would have exposed that and gave you the information to either chose a different FRAME_TYPE or re-factor the Motor outputs.
There are many configuration steps to take before attempting Auto Tune.

I did motor test, I checked spin direction, was ok, and I also used blheli32 passthrough to check FlyColor escs. The key for success was this:

M3 M1
35 33
M2 M4
34 36

M4 M2
35 33
M3 M1
34 36

I tried autotune afterwards, but I got message “CANT LEVEL” several times so I had to manually find tune params.
