Speed issue reaching the first waypoint in AUTO mode


I’m using ArduPilot with a Multirotor configuration on Mission Planner’s SITL simulation. I’ve encountered an issue with the speed of the drone when reaching the first waypoint in AUTO mode.

I’ve set WPNAV_SPEED to 8000 (80 m/s), which I understand should control the speed at which the drone moves between waypoints in AUTO mode. However, my drone is reaching the first waypoint at a speed of 100 m/s, which is not the speed I intended.

My waypoint file is set up correctly, and I’ve confirmed that the WPNAV_SPEED parameter has been saved correctly after setting. I’m not using the DO_CHANGE_SPEED command before reaching the first waypoint.

Is there something else that could be affecting the drone’s speed on the way to the first waypoint? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.