-SOLVED- Mute board after uploading Arducopter - Betafpv F4 1S AIO V3


We are in developpement phase for a custom drone for our dronepark.
As we need to add an optical flow/sonar to our setup, we are trying to flash the AIO F4 1S V3 (STM32F405 version) with arducopter, following the sequence described here:


I upload the firmware founded here:


But when done ( STM32CubeProgrammer says “upload successfull”), the board is not recognized by the computer (PC under win10), no way to connect it, no USB serial port displayed.

This board is referenced as compatible with arducopter:


What could I try to flash arducopter properly and connect to Missionplanner or QGC?

I can go back to betaflight by reconnecting to betaflight configurator in DFU mode.

Thank you,


Thanks to andyp1per I finally flashed the board correctly, using dfu-util
The procedure is a bit tricky but I think that it’s the only way to flash that FC with arducopter

He explain it very well at: