Solar powered plane

Did you ever built a electric powered RC plane by your own.
I am missing your clear approach to such a development. Before you select a motor you need to know how much power for your plane is needed. So you must have a first idea of size, weight, wing size, wing profile etc.
Selecting a motor just on a kV value will not work as this value only shows the turning rate per Volt. But not the power.
Also the power of the solar cells you can evaluate from its datasheet but not only from some simple shopinformation

Are you talking about regeneration power from the motor? Itā€™s not clear what you are describing.

Use search here on the forum for ā€œsolar rc planeā€ and read about what it takes to do it right.

I was thinking something similar to this

Well I havenā€™t build a rc aircraft, but i have built quadcopter and hexacopter, size is needed to be decided before, i was considering around 8 to 9ft span with a rectangle wing of chord 40 cm as it would accommodate 15cm cells in tandem method, power required I havenā€™t done yet

I feared this honest answer. Before you dare to try out a solar airplane, you should first look into the general construction of RC airplanes. Multicopters are something completely different than aerodynamically flying aircraft. And in order to successfully get a solar plane into the air, the actual aircraft has to be optimal. Designed for extremely low sinking in order to fly well horizontally with as little power as possible.

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Well then you are back to an MPPT. Seems you are going in circles.

Take @Juergen-Fahlbusch advice and build a simple plane and get it flying 1st. Hopefully you have not purchased anything.

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