Soaring/Gliding for Planes

Hi Samuel, thanks for looking at my log!
The servos functioned right after the crash and today I have tested them with my servo tester. All working well, be it that the aileron servos are rough and sloppy after 200-300 hours of use.

But my AirSpeed (red line, m/s) looks strange to me. When I switched to Manual in an upslope at 180 m(green line, m), the motor stopped and speed came down to 3 m/s. Here the plane probably stalled and I switched to FBWA to recover, should not have done that. The ailerons went full from right-left-right-stayed there. So explaining the spiralling down.

What puzzles me is the analog AirSpeed (red). At 16.32.58 it suddenly jumped from 8 m/s to 21 m/s and stayed very erratic after that.


  1. Maybe my analog sensor is not working well, explaining the bad thermalling in the past. I will replace it for a digital one.
  2. It probably stalled all way down, not recovering as per Arduplane manual has been warned.

Lessons learned:

  1. On THERMAL a good AirSpeed sensor is needed.
  2. If in dire straits switch to MANUAL if STALL_PREVENTION =1. Not to FBWA.
