Slow ESC Beeping Problem Solved

Due to initial flight test instability issues, I decided to punt and reset all parameters to their defaults and start over. This meant going through all of the calibrations, etc. While doing so, the familiar constant slow ESC beeping reared up again and I couldn’t remember how I stopped it the last time. A search online led me to the Ardupilot documentation regarding the safety switch enabling. I do not have a safety switch but have a dedicated toggle switch on my transmitter for arming/disarming. The solution to the ESC beeping problem was to disable the BRD_SAFETYOPTION parameter (set to 0). I also had to remember to set RC6_OPTION to 153 (channel 6 is mapped to the toggle switch I’m using). Once I wrote the parameters to the controller and power cycled the constant beeping went away and I can arm/disarm at will.

Thank you for letting us know and helping out other users with this post.

All these parameters are presented to you in the correct order and sequence when you use AMC. No need to dig documentation to solve issues that you could have easily prevented had you used it.

Gee, it looked like I Wasn’t the only one who had this problem. The AMC didn’t help me with my previous problem of instability which motivated me to start over by resetting the Pixhawk to its defaults.

This is not a “problem”. If you have a flight controller that uses a safety switch, and there are plenty that don’t, then you need to disable the feature in firmware if you are not using one. Since 2013…

Regarding the AMC, I don’t recall you ever supplying the zip file that would allow @amilcarlucas to review what you did.

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