Slow down yaw speed in guided mode

I’m using pymavlink and companion computer to send movement commands to my drone in GUIDED mode.
When I send movement command with pymavlink code like this:

the_connection.mav.send(mavutil.mavlink.MAVLink_set_position_target_local_ned_message(10, the_connection.target_system, the_connection.target_component, mavutil.mavlink.MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_OFFSET_NED, type_mask, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, afx, afy, afz, yaw, yaw_rate))

drone should move to the way point, But it has so wild movement in yaw axis.
I want to decrease speed in yaw axis.
Is there anyway to slow down speed in GUIDED mode?
I see MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW but I don’t know it is good for me or not!
And also use yaw_rate in SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED but it doesn’t work for me.
For example I want to send the movement command to drone to fly 40 meter forward and 20 meter left, with my yaw speed(for example 10 deg/s).
Can anyone help me at this topic?

@amilcarlucas @stephendade

MAV_CMD_CONDITION_YAW is good for you, use it.