When I connect my Pixhawk 6x FC on which the arducopter firmware is deployed I see 2 COM ports coming up in windows one containing ‘Mavlink’ and the other ‘SLCAN’ in their respective port names. When I connect with mission planner, I can connect with both of the ports.
In this documentation: https://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-slcan-f7h7.html it suggests to use SLCAN with Mavlink.
I had a doubt that since both the SERIAL ports are connected through 1 usb cable with my computer, will not there be data loss if I try to send data from both the serial ports simultaneously?
I can connect to 2 gcs softwares at the same time, one with the mavlink port and the other with the SLCAN port which is basically a Mavlink port unless configured for SLCAN. If I start communication from both the gcs softwares, will not there be any communication issue due to both the serial ports using the same usb cable to communicate with mu computer?
Can someone help me understand this?