Sky walker x8 auw 4 kg motor spinning even when throttle at low

so i was flying skywaker x8 4 kg auw

12000 mah 6s
sony zve10
4xxx something motor with 14 inch folding prop

while landing I noticed
the plane is speeding up as I pitch down to lower the alti
the motor is speeding even when my throttle is at low
in FBWA mode

eventually model crashed into pieces and the camera got broken can someone help me figure out why the motor was speeding when the throttle was at low
I’ve attached the log file of that flight

The plane was still in RTL mode, not FBWA. You were able to control because stick mixing was active, but it was trying to return the plane back to it’s RTL loiter point.

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hi bro
how to connect sony zve 10 wiht pixhawk flight controller please.