Sky Viper Journey Pro Video GPS Drone V2700 -It's HERE!

Big question! Does the app have better code for battery voltage detection? Really wish they went the current measurement route.

Does anyone have a copy of the full instruction sheet, including the full specs and estimated battery run time, etc.? I’m seeing it in videos but not with sufficient resolution to actually read it, nor am I finding copies via obvious searches. Thanks!

If you Google “Sky Viper Journey manual” the 1st result is the FCC site showing the user manual and a lot of other data. Whether it’s the latest product release manual I don’t know.


Ok so I just brought one been waiting for this for a year now and here’s what I sent to skyviper
Update only allows me download and switch back to drone connection then skip and update becomes options I can only tap skip update does nothing. Try to use the waypoint it goes as far as excuting mission stand bck i don’t know why it says that cause nothing happens. Smh I’ve quite disappointed because I’ve waited for this drone to be in stores for
A year and I have one or more of ever drone that skyviper makes except Spiderman w cam. I was really looking forward to this one and it doesn’t seem to be better than v2400gps plz help me I already took one back to Target thinking it was a dud but same thing
With this new one also. However it does do stunts also range is way better with and without the cam running wifi quicker gps find and longer battery life oh also follow me mode and u can choose to go home or go to cell phone which saves you the walk back to land but I still can’t install the update and the waypoint feature won’t work​:tired_face::tired_face::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::relieved::sob::sob::sob::sob: I was really looking forward to the way point skyviper needs to fix this quickly SMH. EXPECT MORE OUT OF THEM#DEVOTED/LOYALCUSTOMER

please don’t take this harshly…but i cannot understand what you wrote…

Neither the Journey, nor the V2450GPS had “advertised” waypoint navigation. The Skyviper video Viewer 2.0 (did you get the new one?) app doesn’t include waypoint navigation functions. It includes Return to Home and Follow me features only.

The way to get them to do waypoint navigation is to use Mission Planner, or QGroundControl, or Tower, or other to open up the “inherent possibilities” in the underlying ArduPilot flight stack.

As I said, I don’t understand what you wrote, so i’m having a hard time figuring out what your issues are with the quad, but I’d love to try to help.

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To fly waypoints with the Journey Pro is it necessary to modify parameters similar to the 2450GPS as discussed here and elsewhere on these boards? As for GCS I’ve only used Tower so far.

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A couple things as I have flown many missions with my 2450GPS and the Journey is likely the same in this regard. I use Mission Planner (UDP 14550):
Obvious-Set a flight mode for Auto and a switch on the Tx to activate it.
You may have to set the SERIAL1_PROTOCOL to MAVlink 1. Default for the Sky Viper is MAVlink 2 and some GCS’s don’t like that.

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Waypoints and missions ARE supposed to be working in the new 2.0 app, yes. Accessible in the map window.

We had this working right up to release, then oddly on the release version, it wasn’t working anymore. The dev is working hard on the issue to try and get it resolved quickly.

Apologies for it not completing the execution of the mission. we are working hard to resolve it.


I’m curious about the electronics in the new V2700 and how it differs from the V2450 GPS. I haven’t noticed details yet in the wiki. I know the camera module is different. Are there other functional changes in the Sonix module? From the FCC photos, it looks like the GPS module includes a battery this time. Does the shipping version include it? Perhaps the idea of storing the Ephemeris data externally caused support issues? It looks like the flight controller board has changed significantly as well. Are there any meaningful functional changes there? I see debug/programming pads. Are all the extra pads for USB, power module, extra serial, etc still present?



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first post here. first drone as well. wondering if someone could help me out here. my sky viper v2700 journey will just drop to the ground. it also says something about gps lock lost while its falling.

@Matt_M any update on the waypoints or missions? how about a user tutorial on the app?

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You can use Mission Planner to configure and load missions. You just need to configure an Auto flight mode on a button to start it from the Tx.


Hi Riv,

Sorry, but no great news just yet. We are still tracking the issue and are trying almost daily builds to get it going. It’s frustrating, because we had it working right up until release, then some other fixes went in and it’s not functioning anymore. We are working very hard to get the issue resolved, but it’s being problematic, as it still refuses to work as it did before even when we revert back to the original versions where it WAS working.

On the plus side, we have new fixes coming out for map data fidelity, as well as some support for non-traditional screen resolutions, etc. Those will be coming soon.

dkemxr’s comment is solid, though, so you CAN get this working through other much more robust apps in that dept and if you need missions, I’d go that route for now.



Aloha Matt, I bought the 2450gps and other than a few small issues, it flies. Occasionally triggers RTL at 50% batt. Occasionally behaves erratically on RTL cmd. That’s what happened to my first 2450. To replace it I ordered the 2700.
Now I have major issues. First a firmware update is “available” but update appears unsucessful, app locks on blank background screen. In order to fly, update window must be "skip"ped.
The Launch function is erratic. Occasionally just lifts front end and skids out of control until crash or power button cycle. Once launched you must be ready as it drifts erratically within a 10’ (approx.) area. You have to fly carefully as it will drift aimlessly and need to be corrected. It will continue in whatever direction you are flying until stopped with a control input. Throttle control is barely adequate, and unit often does not want to climb/decend. While flying, GPS Lock goes in and out, even tho GPS is in display and controller is in normal, 17-20 satellites showing. The worst part is that while flying the controller beeps* and unit stops flying. Beeps again, and props spin back up but drone drops without ability to control it, hits ground, and attempts to keep flying. “Landing” displayed and disappears without controller input. This looks like, but is not a battery issue. (Always begin flight fully charged, new batts in controller. This problem begins at first launh, either with button or stick.
*Screen shows GPS lock on second beep but drone crashes at this point.
Drone or controller switches modes briefly without button press. It sometimes displays mode changes that I have never seen. Ardupilot has not had any changes, yet shows change(s) being made (blue highlighted items) the one time I opened it.
This drone is 50g heavier than the 2450 and appears to be unable to support it’s new weight.
The problems I had with the 2450 were minor and at least it flew. This one DOES NOT!
It crashes at least 5-6 times per charge and you cannot predict when problems are going to occur. Even in GPS mode I dare not fly it without at least 50’ square area, no wind, structures, people, etc.
I have successfully calibrated the drone and problems persist. With this drone you must remain hypervigilant or risk crashing or worse. For some reason, the controller batteries die abnormally quickly. The 2450 was a (problematic) dream by comparison! Is this a recognized situation with fixes coming, or should I return the drone?
Thanks, SE

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For further consideration, the GPS Lock loss (and resulting altitude loss/crash) may have something to do with large or quick stick movements! I have to wonder if increasing the GPS unit scan rate would help? Most of the lock departures seem to come after some type of manuver is accomplished or during a descent. I also wonder about loss of voltage during manuver causing a disconnect of GPS function? I am hoping this model can be made to fly nearly as well as the 2450 even with the additional flying weight because of it’s cleaner build, nicer tx and more available features. Unfortunately, I need to make a decision within the next week about keeping this currently unpredictable drone, or go back to the comparitively crude 2450.

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One last observation, my flight log shows each shutdown as a separate flight!
Thanks SE

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Any suggestions on extra batteries?
Thank you

A gripe incoming.

Has anyone seen any SkyViper batteries in store? I was really hoping that with the release of new models we’d see those 1200mah batteries hitting shelves as well. But alas, there are none. Additionally, SV put a “free replacement parts for a year” guarantee on the box but several of the parts are out of stock on their site.

Seems like a launch fail to me. Which is very unfortunate. SV makes good products, but they have major supply chain and production issues.

I was really hoping to get my 2450GPS back up to flying more than 5 minutes by getting new (non-swollen) batteries…guess i’ll continue waiting.

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I’m unable to update my Journey firmware and I believe it is bug in the app.

The app tells me I have new firmware available, I click Confirm

Connect to internet, and firmware downloads

After the firmware downloads, I connect to the drone to send the update

But here I can only click Skip, the UPDATE button is not clickable

It seems to be a bug in the app since the file is able to be downloaded but I can’t click the button to push it to the drone.