SIYI UniRC (More Frequencies, More Bandwidth, More Channels, More Open, More Advanced)

@SIYI what voltage does the air unit accept?

I looked in the manual and can’t seem to find it.

2S to 18S direct input

I have the unirc 7pro and I have my copter connected to unigcs, The screen is white with no maps. How do I get the maps to show? Yes I have a gps connected,

The first step is to connect your UniRC 7 to the Internet to obtain data.
Step two, open UniGCS. Click on the black circular paper airplane icon in the bottom left corner of UniGCS to bring up the map.
Step three, click on the map mini window to switch to full screen display.

I tried all those, but it says UNIGCS wont run without google play services which are not supported on your device.

I have the R1M camera and I got it to display in unigcs but not in qground control, I read through the manual a few times and can’t seem to get it working. I am running the most up to date version on QGC.

I got the camera working, took me a bit but figured it out.

Still no maps in unigcs.

Any help?

Hello! We are intensifying the development of firmware for the UniRC 7 series to adapt to Google services. It will be updated in the next version. Please be patient and wait.

Please follow the steps below to set up QGC:
Select Tool → Application Settings → General → Fly View → Video Settings → Source → RTSP Video Stream → RTSP URL → rtsp://


I was flying yesterday with the uni7pro and it just disconnected from the quad it was on and triggered RTL. Thankfully I had it configured correctly for RTL. Is there some way I can look at error logs in the controller to figure out what happened? The quad was only about 75ft away from me when it happened.
The battery was fully charged, antennas all in the correct position and the controller was setup for dual frequency.

This is the only time that it has happened but now I’m a little anxious about flying

Hi @prsh8ya Tanner

I totally get where you’re coming from.

But I really think it’s crucial to figure out and proof what caused this RTL, due to the outcome will decide if SIYI should take the UNIRC off the market until they’ve found the issue or if you should fix your problem before the next flight.

I’m sorry to ask, but what makes you so sure that the connection failure is due to the UniRC connection and not, for example, an accidentally activated RTL switch or a loose cable?

It would be really helpful if we could get a log file showing whether the SBUS flag of the SIYI airunit or something else triggered this RTL.


I’m sure the unit lost connection because the video feed froze, the telemetry froze.

That makes sense. I’m curious to see what @SIYI thinks.


What is the Radio Frequency Field Strength/Power for 2.4GHz and 5.8 GHz in mW EIRP or mW ERP for UniRC 7 Pro?

I cannot find the answer in the UniRC 7 Series User Manual.

@SIYI here is the bin file that shows the rtl triggered after the remote froze.

Hello! Sorry for any inconvenience caused to your use. I checked the logs and found that the flight process did not last long. Is this UniRC 7 on its first flight mission? Has there been any unstable signal during previous use. I would like to know how much power is supplied to your Air Unit.
Could you please enable the remote control log to record the status of the remote control during flight? Would it be convenient for you to operate it?

The flight didn’t last long because the remote screen froze which triggered a RTL. I have 12 volts to the air unit.
How do I enable remote logging?
I currently do feel confortable with this system.

Also @Jai.GAY asked and I would like to know also… What is the Radio Frequency Field Strength/Power for 2.4GHz and 5.8 GHz in mW EIRP or mW ERP for UniRC 7 Pro?

I cannot find the answer in the UniRC 7 Series User Manual

I have also request to Siyi support to look into having the followings features:

  1. Remember the button last state before power off and re-powering back
  2. UniGCS, to remember the last user interface (map or camera view) selected before app shutdown/closed and relaunch.
  3. Those buttons with LED to show light when configure for NON flight mode usage to be lit.

The log opening method for UniRC 7 series:

  1. Enter the UniGCS settings menu;
  2. Find the version number in the last column of the settings menu and quickly click on it;
  3. Enter password 0615;
  4. After selecting the log save option, turn on the save log switch;
  5. Please delete historical log data before logging, and promptly turn off the logging function after logging is completed to avoid excessive data volume.
    There is currently no publicly available data on RF field strength. The transmission power is 500mW.
  1. I will communicate with our development engineers about the requirements for keeping records of the button status and UniGCS interface during shutdown, and they will evaluate whether they will be added in future versions;
  2. Does the non flight mode switch refer to the M1 to M6 switches? All switches will light up blue by default, and switches M1 to M6 will light up blue when the mapped channel value is 1950.