SIYI MK32 Enterprise Ground Station - 7" Display, 15KM Range, 4G+64G Android, Dual Operator, Abundant Interface

Ardupilot has recently added Ethernet and TCP/IP support, including the ability to run an HTTP server as part of a LUA script on the flight controller.

In order to reach the HTTP server from the SIYI MK32E ground station, I soldered a connecting cable between the 4-pin Ethernet connector of the Holybro Pixhawk 6x and one of the two 8-pin Ethernet connectors of the SIYI Airstation.

They are connected 1:1, i.e. RX- to RX-, TX- to TX- etc. Connection diagram:

With the new Arduplane NET parameters, the Arduplane server is assigned the fixed address 192.168.144:26, DHCP is switched off and one of the port types is set to TCP server (details in the link above).
Using the Chrome browser on the SIYI MK32E, call up the HTTP server at

Together with server-side lua-scripting, there are unimagined possibilities for all kinds of applications that are not time-critical. It would be sufficient to simply make customised server pages available.


Hi i just received a new receiver (MK15E) and i wanted to bind it to my mk32 remote but i couldn’t get it to bind, after some research i realized that E version uses 2.4 GHZ frequency while my MK32 remote uses 5G frequency, is there any way to change my MK32 remote frequency from 5G to 2.4 so i can bind my new receiver?

great to see this working for you!
a minor correction to how it works. The description you give implies you set NET_Pn_TYPE to scripting and the web server uses that port. We could have implemented it that way, but it would not be nearly as flexible.
The way it actually works is the web server lua script allocates a socket on port 8080 like this:

local sock_listen = Socket(0)
sock_listen:bind("", 8080)

That creates a socket listening on port 8080 (the “” means it accepts on any IP address).
the reason this matters is scripting isn’t limited to one socket like it would be if we did it via NET_Pn parameters. Scripts can create lots of TCP and UDP sockets. So we can have scripts talking to other aircraft, talking to the GCS, talking to each other or any combination.
It really is general IPv4 support in scripting. The web server is just a simple example TCP server script. I’m fully expecting that users will create scripts that talk over TCP/IP to other scripts running in swarms of aircraft.

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Thank you very much @tridge. Just tried it out. I have corrected my posting and removed the port and protocol details. However, a NET_Pn_TYPE must be set to TCP Server ? Otherwise it will no longer work, at least not here.

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no, the NET_Pn_TYPE are only needed if you want to map ArduPilot serial protocols to network ports (TCP or UDP). The web server just needs:

  • either PPP or ethernet link setup
  • the net_webserver.lua script installed
  • the WEB* parameters from the lua script set

If you find you need NET_Pn_TYPE set then something is wrong. I’d be happy to debug it with you

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A thousand thanks again. I have tried something around: It only worked for me with NET_P2_TYPE as TCP server, as long as a Mavlink2/UDP client was still parameterised with NET_P1_… (I had set this up so that a normal GCS could also connect).
As soon as NET_P1… is not parameterised, HTTP access works exactly as you describe. (During testing it turned out that it is sufficient to set NET_P1_PROTOCOL to 0 so thatHTTP access works exactly as you described)

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It is impossible. They are different hardware.
MK32 hand controller binds to MK15 or HM30 air unit. And MK32 air unit = HM30 air unit + 4S-18S power module.

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We are interested in testing a mk32 for our company. We have developed a custom web application for simple control of a arducopter drone. Will it be possible to use the 4g connection of the mk32 to connect to our online web application using a browser? How good is the 4g reception? And how fast is the android part to run a quite simple web application?



PS: what is the exact 4g chipset? Also if the 4g connection does not meet our expectations is it possible to connect a external 4g module using the siyi mk32 USB port?

When will the airunit for the Enterprise be available again?


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This is the not the enterprise air unit. It is the air unit for the E version.
This is the air unit you need.

Hi @Rolf , as I see you got no answer, did you finally test it or had any feedback about using mk32 to serve ntrip data?
Thank you

Now I’m completely confused. I thought the “E” stood for Enterprise. Just to be sure, here is the sticker on the MK32E for which I am looking for the AIR UNIT(s).

@SIYI Are you sure your link points to the correct airunit ?


Oh, I see
You do need the E air unit

Please write to and my co-worker will help you purchase

@SIYI will there ever be an option to connect ethernet and use our datalink?

between what kind of devices?
what would be the diagram look like?

We use data link from Persistent systems. It connects to the GCS via Ethernet. The autopilot connects via TCPIP and the video is also available as an RTSP stream. Gibal we use SIYI ZR30.

How’s the Ethernet stream like?
Mind sending us a drawing, please?

The drawing of the connection is very simple.

Is that what you mean?

Please confirm
If Radio = MK32
If GCS = Laptop

And where is “your datalink”?