Kalai,I really do think that SiYi have got a very good product here for coupe reason’s firstly it seems well engineered and quality excellent, the price is right but also and I think for a lot of Arduflyer’s the size is excellent im just in process of fitting it onto my Hexsoon 450 and it will be a nice fit I think and weight wont affect flying of hexsoon I hope.
I am hoping that Randy see’s how popular this could become and im sure it will be quite easy for the devs to populate it with an osd facility,this year im not preying for a white xmas but an SiYi OSD xmas,excuse my sense of humour
Thanks for your reply @rmackay9 .
This is my parameters of ardupilot_4.4.0_DEV, its RC5_TRIM and RC6_TRIM have set to 1500 (RC5 controls yaw and RC6 controls pitch),. When I set MNT1_RC_RATE to zero (using angle control), it still had some problems that I discribe.
I’m sorry that I can not provide the log file for the time being, beacuse I don’t have a tf card, if necessary, I’m going to buy one. Plane_v_4.4.0_DEV.param (19.2 KB)
Thank you Randy for taking the time to reply to me I really do appreciate it,it would have been nice having OSD butit is not end of world as normally i fly and have ny laptop so can get OSD parameters on the HUD,
Once again thank you for your hard work to keep the likes of me content with Ardupilot/mission planner
Attention: All below firmware, software, application should be updated to have the latest feature
Camera Firmware
Gimbal Firmware
SIYI PC Assistant
New Firmware:
A8 mini Camera Firmware v0.1.7 svn477 2022-12-07
A8 mini Gimbal Firmware v0.1.8 svn6327 2022-12-07.bin
Main Updates:
Camera board acquires and confirms normal mode or upside down mode to flip image only on starting and does not change after confirmation.
Gimbal board supports IMU gyro calibration function through SIYI PC Assistant.
Users can set up an environment temperature and save in flash. After restarting the gimbal it will take effect and become the target constant temperature.
Under constant temperature status, users can check if the IMU requires calibration and start IMU calibration.
SIYI PC Assistant displays IMU angle speed and accelerated speed in real-time. And IMU temperature to help users confirm if the IMU is working normally.
IMU calibration allows users to recover to factory status.
@SIYI Thanks for your information on the product and updates.
I received two A8 today and - of course - updating firmware is the first task. First I updated the gimbal firmware (successful). It should be mentioned in the manual, that the camera needs external power beside the USB connection to the USB. The board is not powered via USB.
The camera firmware update went strange. I used the latest file from the google drive (folder A8 mini Camera Firmware v0.1.7 svn477 2022-12-7) and copied the SIYI_4K_MINI_UpgradeSD.bin to the root folder of the microSD card (16 GB SanDisk) that was formatted with Fat32. After the warm up (LED-signal: green - yellow - yellow), the LED signal switched after some time to red - red - yello (which means “Fail to identify camera board”). Is this the indication for a successful camera update? The SIYI assistent shows camera version 0.1.7 now and the camera shows green LED, when there is no SD card inserted or when the SD card contains no bin file.
First impression is good but the mechanical gimbal design shows a design flaw:
As you can see in the picture, when the camera is rolled a bit and then a bit tilted, the camera case hits the yaw mount. You can also provoke this contact when the gimbal is activated and you move around the mount in such a position.
Also, you should correct the weight specification. Even “naked” without cables and upper mounting plate, it weighs already 101g and not 95g:
Maybe 95g is the weight after you cut off the corners to allow the camera to move without hitting the gimbal?
Allowing a camera to physically hit the gimbal sure seems like a rookie mistake. SIYI certainly isn’t a rookie which makes this flaw all the more surprising.
Thanks for the feedback.
The weight was measured by engineering sample. So we declared approx weight in the manual.
Will measure it again from the next lot.
I have not tested my gimbal yet but it seems when in normal mode - ie slung underneath it can hit the yaw mount. Are you saying the roll limits of 30 degrees means this cannot happen? @Hacky seems to indicate that it can happen when it is powered and moved around. Can you confirm? It certainly does not seem an improbable position when I look at it on my bench – but I have not powered it yet.
In upside down mode (how I will be using it on a plane) it seems that this impact cannot happen.
@SIYI - This is not correct. I could easily provoke this contact by moving around the activated gimbal - even without tilting on the pitch axis. If you tilt a little bit on the pitch axis (typical viewing direction in flight), the roll angle where the camera case hits the yaw axis can be reached in normal flight situations of my drones. Then, you here some kind of “clicking” noise from the motors.
Yeah – fortunately when mounted ‘upside down’ as I am going to use it (ie as you would for a Rover or Plane) I think this contact is not possible. It seems a major flaw though for anyone using this for a quadcopter. It just needs a few more mm on the yaw arm. How did that slip out? It’s really a rover or plane gimbal it seems. It does not seem based on what I am seeing with my gimbal or you have observed with yours that it is suited for under-slung mounting.
The Gimbal roll limits is limited to 30 degrees. I have removed the camera back plate it now just misses. Maybe frank can make a new plate which is flush with the camera body on the corners. 3D cad file would be nice.
If the gimbal was well balanced at the factory, changing parts would unbalance it and lower the stbilization performances.
This is really a huge mistake by Siyi, should have a recall and fix the problem. Really unaceptable to have gimbal hit phisical limits in flight.
I doubt the stabilization performance would be affected much at all. You could easily create a 3D printed part that weighs the same. It’s really surprising I agree and they should fix it ASAP. Siyi could probably get another part CNCed and send it out as well. I will be keeping mine as for less than $300 it’s a bargain and when you are not using it underslung it is not an issue. Mind you I have not tried it yet.