SIYI A8 mini 4K AI Mini Zoom Gimbal Camera - AI Identify & Tracking, 4K 1/1.7-inch 8MP Sony Sensor, 6X Zoom

It’s showing right in the picture
Mount: SiYi gimbal fw v0.3.4
Mount: SiYi camera fw v0.0.0

I think we need @rmackay9 's attention on this one


Hi @timtuxworth,

Thanks for the report, I’ve added it to the 4.5.0 issues list and I’ll investigate. This check is certainly new for 4.5.0 which is still in beta testing (so that we can find and fix issues like this!)

Thanks @SIYI for the ping.

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As discussed at the dev call - @SIYI it seems like maybe the firmware on my A8 Mini is reporting the wrong firmware version. Can you confirm that this should be working from the camera/gimbal end?

Hi guys,

I’m having difficulty connecting to the Siyi A8 via ethernet. I’ve update to the latest firmwares (v0.3.4 gimbal, v0.2.3 camera), configured the camera using the Siyi PC assistant to output video ‘close’, stream quality ‘HD’ and latency to ‘normal’.

I first attempted to connect via the ethernet port of a raspberry pi, and the blinking green/orange lights on the ethernet port indicated there was some level of connectivity, however pinging the default IP addresses timed out every time. I then configured the raspberry pi with a static IP and had the same result. Tried connecting directly to a router, and the device never appeared and still no response to pings. Connected directly to the ethernet port of a PC and still no response.

Would appreciate any input from anyone who has successfully connected directly to the ethernet port of the Siyi A8.


Hi @timtuxworth @SIYI,

I’ve re-created the issue and created a discussion over here. In short, if the camera is powered on after the autopilot the issue appears.

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Configure the Pi with a static IP of and gateway

You will likely also need to do some routing on the PI, for example if you are connected to WiFi - if you then try to ping the camera, it will actually try to send the ICMP packets over your wifi and the camera won’t see them.

On Bullseye I created a /etc/dhcpcd.exit-hook file containing this:

ip route add via dev eth0
sudo ip route delete default via
sudo ip route delete dev eth0
sudo ip route delete dev usb0
sudo ip route delete dev wlan0
sudo ip route delete default via dev usb0

You also want to set the metric on your interfaces in dhcpcd.conf so that all other traffic (except camera traffic) continues to go to the wifi, so add this to dhcpcd.conf:

# need to set metric on wlan0 so it will default to that first as "default"
interface wlan0
metric 200

interface eth0
metric 300

You should now be able to ping (the camera) and connect to it with rtsp to get a video feed.


Excellent, thank you Tim. I hadn’t configured my gateway correctly.

I also used

sudo nmcli con modify "Wired Connection 1" ipv4.method shared

and changed the A8’s settings to use the default subnet and it all started working.




Oh you understand nmcli - well done, I haven’t really figured that out yet, so thanks for the tip, I have a new build using Bookworm. I didn’t know “shared” was an option.

I should qualify my nmcli suggestion: it doesn’t seem to have opened up the RTSP stream to the wider network as your solution does, its simply given me an interface to view and process the stream on the raspberry pi. After some opencv processing I forward the output to a virtual v4l2 device and output an RTSP stream from there. Probably not a solution most people would be after.

Oh my answer doesn’t do that either. This only lets me view the rtsp stream on the PI itself (i.e. if I plugin a monitor).

In a vehicle, I use mediamtx to forward the RTSP stream out over other interfaces (and give it a nicer name).

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Has anyone consistently gotten the Low voltage warning on the A8 even when powered by 4S? It’s strange, I’ll get that warning every time on 4S power, but not on 3S - I’m powering the gimbal/camera via the HM30 air unit harness. @SIYI

I’ve finally figured this out. The “Auto Record” option set in SiYI assistant doesn’t work if you have the A8 Mini connected to an AP. I connected to the AP for pan/tilt commands, but even if I don’t have a record switch set up, this makes the Auto Record not effective (or randomly not effective).
So I set up a switch and when I flip to record/stop recording works seamlessly. The downside is I have to remember to flip the switch.

I’d much prefer to be able to set Auto Record - not set any record switch on the AP and have the camera record whenever it’s powered on. I can always delete videos I don’t need, I can’t magically create videos where forgot to flip a switch.


I think there is feature in AP 4.5.0 that when you arm the drone record will start and disarm will stop the record off you don’t need dedicated switch for this .
@rmackay9 please confirm this!

@kalai1219 @timtuxworth,

Yes, that’s right. CAM1_OPTIONS can be used to start recording video when the vehicle is armed. This has also been added to the camera controls wiki page … not that I’m expecting everyone has read every line of every wiki page but FYI and for future reference.


Oh that’s brilliant - I forgot to flip the switch today - and no video. I’ll look it up now. Thank you!

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Is this in Beta 2? I just did a test on the bench, arming did not record.

Not sure if it makes a difference, I have my Siyi Cam on CAM2, so set CAM2_OPTIONS = 1

Hello community, we are using 3 A8 mini cameras in one system. They were running just fine all the time. We bought the cameras in February 2023 with the firmware which was new to that date, don`t know which exactly it was. We updated to the last firmware about 3 weeks ago. The camera for example has the firmware 0.2.3. Since the updates the hole system is not working at all. We would like to downgrade to the old firmware. Can somebody help here with older firmware versions for gimbals and cameras.
The Siyi support ist garbage and not helping us at all respectively is ghosting us. They release such bad updates and don´t feel to correct mistakes.
If you want to work with more than one camera I can not recommend using Siyi hardware!!

Hi @timtuxworth,

Sorry, I was meaning to ping you about this. I discovered an AP bug in the CAMx_OPTIONS and while I’ve now fixed it, the fix was too late to make it into beta2. It will be included in beta3 in a week or so.

Hi Ken,

Not sure where you were getting support, but my suggestion is to stay with SIYI support directly and send us a new message, you will get an assigned engineer for this issue in priority.

Our support is very overwhelming these days, I am trying to not let every single issue from every single customer be ignored, but sometimes it is just impossible.

Your problem does not look difficult to me. Even if it was a product issue, we can go with a quick RMA suggestion. Don’t worry.

Best regards,