Siyi A8 camera fw version reporting issue

This is to discuss @timtuxworth’s issue with a Siyi A8 camera firmware version not being reported correctly by ArduPilot resulting in a warning something like, “Siyi running old camera fw”.

This issue was first reported here on the Siyi specific thread.

It appears the issue is related to when the camera is powered on. If the camera is powered on first then the firmware version appears correctly.

If the camera is powered on after the autopilot then the issue appears.

I’ve created a PR for AP’s Siyi driver so that it waits for a non-zero camera firmware version.


Or at the same time. I have everything wired up on my VTBird so that when I plug in my battery, the camera, AP and Raspberry PI will be powered at the same time.

I compiled this into a local copy of Plane 4.5.0 beta 1 and can confirm that it now reports the correct camera version!

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