SITL Hexacopter

I have designed a custom hexacopter in Solidworks, after utilizing the builtin tool I converted the Solidworks model to URDF and finally to SDF file. I am able to visualize my hexacopter in Gazebo. I am trying to connect my hexacopter with SITL using the folloing command: --vehicle=ArduCopter --frame=hexa --console

I have tried all the possibilities but the propellers of the hexacopter model does not move when I give the ‘arm throttle’ command in MavProxy GCS. Any sort of help will be greatly appreciated.

Hi @Muhammad_Bilal_Kadri, did you manage to get your model working? If you are able to post the SDF for your model and are working with Gazebo Garden and the current version of the ardupilot plugin from GitHub - ArduPilot/ardupilot_gazebo: Plugins and models for vehicle simulation in Gazebo Sim with ArduPilot SITL controllers then I may be able to help.

It is most likely a combination of setting the plugin servo elements correctly and checking the copter parameter configuration.

Trying to do the same. Can you share the files?