Show multiple NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT values in Mission Planner Quick tab


I have a sensor, which emits multiple metrics (leftness, upness, strength, etc). Mission Planner “Quick” tab shows NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT message values and “Tunning” tab allows to plot them. If sensor reports NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT messages with metric values it looks like the easiest way to retrieve data at Mission Planner side and show it to the user.

Here is an example of data emitter:

connection = mavutil.mavlink_connection(
    source_system=1, # Mimic ArduPilot system, it's important if you want Mission Planner "Quick" tab shows your named value
    source_component=10, # Mimic ArduPilot random component

    int(time.time() * 1000) % (2 ** 32),
    b"LEFTNESS"[:10].ljust(10, b'\x00'),
    round(random.uniform(-100, 100), 2),

    int(time.time() * 1000) % (2 ** 32),
    b"UPNESS"[:10].ljust(10, b'\x00'),
    round(random.uniform(-100, 100), 2),

Mission Planner keeps track of the latest message within interval, ergo only “UPNESS” (MAV_UPNESS) shows up on the screen.

I’m looking for a way to show multiple NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT message values on Mission Planner “Quick” tab – “MAV_LEFTNESS” and “MAV_UPNESS”.

I assume sending a named float values from the different components may solve the problem, but it doesn’t feel great to open numerous connections from the same physical component for every metric.

Ah, I was wrong. It actually works fine with multiple values. Apparently, MAVLink Inspector shows only the last one, which is probably designed behaviour.